Get Your Shadow Groudon

On Wednesday March 27th, we’ll be getting a new Team Rocket special research, in which we can save Shadow Groudon. Now, people around here might know that Groudon is one of my favourite Legendary Pokemon, and I’m desperate for a chance to add one to my collection. Shadow Groudon will definitely be a good Pokemon to have, since it not only does good damage, but it also isn’t a complete glass cannon, meaning it won’t die instantly. The same can’t be said for Shadow Darumaka/Darmanitan, which are also coming in the World of Wonders: Taken Over event starting on the… [Continue Reading]

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On Not Bothering With Shadow Ho-Oh

Today (at least, the day on which I’m writing this article), there’s an event in Pokemon GO where Shadow Ho-Oh is appearing in shadow 5-star raids. The boss itself isn’t that difficult, and can be taken out with two players with strong counters, with Party Play making that even easier. Sure, you need a bunch of Purified Gems, to stop the raid boss from having double attack and double defenses, but overall, it’s not that hard a boss. Ho-Oh has a double weakness to rock, and there are a LOT of Pokemon which can deal a lot of good rock… [Continue Reading]

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The Timeless Travels Research Was Okay I Guess

With recent seasons, we’ve had seasonal research to go alongside them, and this season has been no different. Timeless Travels is a 14 stage special research that somewhat follows along with the season, with a handful of gaps in between. Was it worth it? Kinda. Unfortunately, Timeless Travels didn’t start off well. While catching 15 different species of Pokemon isn’t too hard, and step 1 does reward 3 charge and fast TMs, step two jumps straight into everyone’s favourite sort of task. And by favourite, I mean least favourite. While the “do X 7 days in a row” task these… [Continue Reading]

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The Terror That Is Shadow Kyogre

Generally, Team Rocket bosses are pretty easy. Even with this season’s Team Rocket grunts having way more Pokemon than they used to, as long as you have Pokemon that counter their types, most Grunts are easily defeated. There’s even a new feature where the game will show you what types are super effective against whatever grunt it is you are trying to fight. Heck, for most grunts, you can just take a Pokemon with a spammy move like Lucario with Power Up Punch or Melmetal with Rock Slide and just spam charge attacks while the enemy can’t fight back. Team… [Continue Reading]

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On Powering Up Shadow Pokemon

I think we’ve all heard it, how Shadow Pokemon are stronger than normal Pokemon. We had an event over Shadow Mewtwo, one that was so highly rated that my entire Pokemon GO group decided to meet up and play. In fact, Shadow Mewtwo is probably the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO, not including things like Mega Pokemon and Primal Reversion. If you’re a hardcore player, then you’ve probably got a maxed out team of Shadow Mewtwos, all pimped out with Psystrike, all ready to go. But is that even really feasible? Is that going too far? Probably. The question… [Continue Reading]

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Purifying 1000 Pokemon

Quite a while back, I mentioned how I defeated an absolute ton of Team Rocket grunts. I did this for two reasons: one, it was fun, and two, I wanted the platinum medal for defeating grunts. At the time though, I also mentioned how I needed to complete the Purification badge as well, but that would be a long, dull journey. Well, finally, over two years later, I managed to get the platinum medal for purifying Pokemon. And boy, did it take a while. But I finally did it. I now have the platinum Purifier medal. I have purified 1000… [Continue Reading]

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Purified Pokemon Still Kinda Suck

It’s been a long time since shadow Pokemon were buffed, but at the same time, purified Pokemon have remained as they are, with almost no changes. We’ve reached a point that purified Pokemon are pretty much forgotten. But are there any real redeeming qualities to purified Pokemon? Or should we leave our shadow Pokemon as they are? The lowered stardust and candy costs are not that enticing When you purify a Pokemon, it becomes cheaper to power up, both with candy and stardust. There’s also a reduced cost when it comes to evolving a purified Pokemon as well. This stacks… [Continue Reading]

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The Second Best Team Rocket Grunt

Back in March of 2021, I wrote a long-winded article about the best Team Go Rocket grunt. Sure, all these grunts are the same. They’re the same copied and pasted model and they all have pink hair. But there’s something about one grunt that stood out. I was, of course, talking about the water-type grunt with 3 Magikarps as his Pokemon. A team like that is so bad that it’s actually good. Well, good for us at least. But all of a sudden, I have run into the second best Team Rocket Grunt. The Grunts have changed a bit since… [Continue Reading]

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I Really Enjoyed the Team Rocket Celebration Event

As you may recall, I love doing Team Rocket battles. It’s so much fun, beating on a grunt and their weirdly overpowered Pokemon. The fact that we can do these fights regularly has been great for pandemic-based playing. And the slower rotation of Team Rocket Leaders means i more easily got the shiny shadows I wanted. However, it wasn’t always quite enough. Four battles a day is alright, but I long for more. The Team Rocket Celebration event kicked battling up too 100, with almost constant battles available. Balloons every 2 hours! That’s right, we got a Team Rocket fight… [Continue Reading]

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You NEED to finish the “An Inter-egg-sting Development” Research!

After months of staying in hiding, Giovanni is back with a new plan. There are new shadow eggs that contain… honestly pretty basic Pokemon, and we need to, uh, liberate them from Team Rocket! Alongside these new eggs, we have a new special research! And unlike the old Team Rocket special researches, this one is important. It has some pretty damn good rewards. But you gotta work for them. I’m gonna cut to the chase. You can’t miss out on these rewards. The new special research gives two things: Firstly, at the very end of the research, it gives you… [Continue Reading]

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