My 5 Favourite Useless Pokemon

Let’s face it, not all Pokemon are equal. Or even close to equal in any way what so ever. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t love a Pokemon, if it isn’t very good. You can love a Pokemon no matter how useless they are. And here are some of the useless Pokemon I happen to love. Shiny Wurmple JUST LOOK AT IT! LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS! Okay, I’ll calm down. But honestly, I do very much like all the shiny low level bug types. They;re a big part of the beginning of any Pokemon game, being small and soft… [Continue Reading]

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5 Pokemon that are Pretty Damn Useless in Pokemon GO

Not all Pokemon are equal. In fact, there’s a ton of inequality in these pocket monsters. On the one hand you have cute birds and little mice. On the other hand, you have terrifying monsters that can flood the entire world. These Pokemon, and every Pokemon between them, can be used by us to participate in battles and raids and things like that. However, there are some Pokemon that are different. They lack something that sets them apart from the rest of their species. Here are five Pokemon who are pretty damn useless in Pokemon GO. Party Hat Nidorino For… [Continue Reading]

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How to make the Jumper weapons not useless

The Rocket Jumper and the Sticky Jumper. Two weapons originally meant for training, twisted and re-purposed into something terrifying. No sane person uses these weapons seriously, unless they just want to gimp themselves. Fewer people still actually use these for any sort of training or practice, since it’s generally better to train with a real explosive weapon. There’s even better options available for Soldier, in the form of the Gunboats. Actually, to be fair, most of the hatred ends up going towards the Rocket Jumper, since, with the Sticky Jumper, you still have a perfectly usable grenade launcher to kill… [Continue Reading]

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