The 5 Best Vehicles in Just Cause 2

There aren’t a lot of reasons to use vehicles in Just Cause 2, and I’m the first to admit it. Slingshotting yourself with the parachute is faster, more maneuverable, and more efficient in 95% of situations. But this article is about the other 5%! There are some niche situations where Rico is better served buying or stealing a vehicle than going it on foot. Today, we’re discussing what those times are, and why! 1. The Chevalier Icebreaker This jingle-playing ice cream truck was released as free DLC, and buyable in-game for $25,000. This is the cheapest price on the black market,… [Continue Reading]

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Just Cause 2: Agency Hovercraft DLC review

Despite loving Just Cause 2 and considering it among my top 3 favorite games, I don’t actually own most of the DLCs for it. Not counting the free ice-cream truck and turreted rickshaw, I only bought the Black Market Boom pack to get my hands on the amazing Air Propulsion Gun. All the stuff in the other DLCs don’t seem to serve any unique purpose, or add anything to the game that isn’t already done by base-game vehicles and weapons. But for no real reason, I recently decided to buy and review the Agency Hovercraft just to test how Avalanche… [Continue Reading]

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