Overwatch: Writing on Writing

Jigglypuff requested that I backup my claim that the writing in Overwatch is bad. “Also you say noone in Overwatch is well written, could you provide any examples of why? Because a character being a trope or common archetype does not automatically = poorly done.” He’s right about archetypes as a concept. Committing to a baseline that’s familiar to the audience is a tried-and-true method that every writer uses, and when establishing brand new fictional worlds without pre-existing lore (such as Overwatch) they’re the best way to give the players something to initially latch onto. If they can understand part of… [Continue Reading]

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An Advice Article for Academic Aptitude

Recently Medic created a new column called “And Now For Something Completely Different”, and I thought I’d throw my hat into that arena by writing an article composed mainly of tips I gave my brother after making through the American school system. Don’t worry though, this advice is pretty universal and basically deals with tricks I learned to improve my grades in school while putting in as little actual work as possible. 1. If you’re allowed to, take important tests multiple times. I’m talking mainly about aptitude tests where higher scores will look better when you try to attract schools… [Continue Reading]

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A couple of little tips for all you budding article writers

Fun fact: I used to run a website called Budding Writers, back in 2011-13. A small bunch of people, mostly friends and family and people stolen from BZPower, came together and wrote a bunch of random things. The site is still online (with registration disabled), and should anything ever happen to SPUF, I actually made a skin mimicking the SPUF style, so we can just head over to there or whatever. It’s either that or the bat cave. I still go there occasionally for nostalgic reasons, and to delete the spam posts advertising kitchens. What does this have to do… [Continue Reading]

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Write Some Moar! 2 : The Results

Hello audience, welcome to the Rentz & Lasby Book Showing! Today I, Don Mister Argeon, am pleased to announce that our committee has finally to a conclusion on what stories we shall publish for you our Australian readers! Before I tell you the results, I’d like for each of you to pick up the surveys we placed underneath your chairs. Keep it close, as Rentz personally sold his last suit to get enough paper for the entire auditorium. Otherwise, let me present to you, the winners of this year’s Write Some Moar! contest! Out of a fine 54 stories, resulting… [Continue Reading]

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Write Some Moar! 2 : The Announcement

You’re the new one, right? Alright, I’ll fill you in on what’s going on, but time is money and money is good, so don’t waste too much of it on questions. I’m Argeon, pretty big guy up in Sydney, but I’m not gonna tough-guy on you – we got business to do. Our writer, Atticus, is having a writer’s block, but we need to release new fiction here for our Australian readers. We managed to get you and the dozens of other applicants typewriters for the occasion. I don’t want to scare you off, but it is in every sense… [Continue Reading]

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