Are Zaws and Kitguns TOO Strong?

Zaws and Kitguns, added alongside the Plains of Eidolon and Fortuna, are basically DIY weaponry. You buy the blueprints for the sort of gun you want, you craft from the blueprints and then you give the parts to a vendor to build it for you. Generally, the blueprints for the components contain various open world resources, but once you have reached level 5 with Fortuna or Cetus, you’ll probably have enough resources to build anything. And you’ll want to reach rank 5 before you start on DIY weapons. Doing so gives you access to not just the best components, but… [Continue Reading]

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My New Favourite Warframe Loadout

In the hours between failing the MR30 test and completing the MR30 test the next day, I went through a lot of resources. While I flailed around, I needed to try a lot of things. I went through various weapons and builds, not really sure what I was doing wrong. In the end, the problem wasn’t with my weapons, but my own performance. Anyway, when that was over, I decided to just dick around doing random missions. During which I used a slightly different version of what I used to do that MR30 test. Maybe it was the euphoria from… [Continue Reading]

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What If We Had An Actual Helminth Frame? – My Idea to Build an Actually Broken Warframe

Xaku is intended to be this strange, broken Warframe made out of bits and pieces. It’s a cool concept, definitely. But I never felt that, aside from appearances, Xaku was really that broken. After all, having three abilities in one isn’t new. Ivara and Vauban have had that for years. Heck, even the stripping of armour isn’t new! Chroma has been doing that since his release, and Xaku had to have an infinite duration gimmick slapped on to make its version worthwhile. But, more importantly, Xaku’s theme could have been better used as part of the Helminth system. Xaku is… [Continue Reading]

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The Cheese Limbo Build for Scarlet Spear I Wish I’d Found Earlier

By the time this article is published, Scarlet Spear will be over. It was a long, drawn out event, but what took hours in the beginning was quickly reduced to pretty simple strategy. I went from needing an hour or more to do 17 Condrix to being able to do it with a half-decent team of randoms in about 25 minutes. I ran into a lot of nice players and now have more people to regularly play with. But my secret is that I found a good build that could potentially carry any Condrix mission. What about Murex though? No,… [Continue Reading]

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On Kitguns and Zaws

When Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon were released, they came with the ability to build Zaws, your own, somewhat custom melee weapons. When Fortuna and the Orb Vallis came along, the ability to build Kitguns, DIY secondaries, were also included, as was the ability to build your own MOA companion. If the tradition carries on, I fully expect the next open area to have a collection of make-your-own rifle and shotgun parts, and the open world after that will probably have pet cloning facilities and custom Sentinels. Right now though, it’s mostly just Kitguns and Zaws. Secondary weapons and… [Continue Reading]

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Zaws – Build Your Own Weapons in Warframe

The Plains of Eidolon brought with them a lot of content, a lot of which I never really got around to covering. One of the more prominent features was the ability to build your own weapons, using a combination of set parts. It’s a strange system, something that allows you to have a lot of creativity, but at the same time isn’t actually that creative. Actually I take that back. Zaws can be kinda creative. But there’s work to be had. First off, a Zaw comes in three parts. A pointy bit you hit things with (the strike), the blunt… [Continue Reading]

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