The Non-Soldier Trolldier

Did you know that Demoman has a neat axe melee weapon?  No, not the Halloween one.  It’s great and all, but I’m talking about a different one.  You know, that one that’s under that pile of dust in the corner of your backpack, next to that Sun-on-a-Stick.  Yeah, the Scotsman’s Skullcutter, and I’m here to show you one of the best ways to actually use this weapon: pair it with the sticky jumper.

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January 15th – January 22nd

This week is a week late, but that’s not a bad thing because this week in TF2 history was actually rather dull. The earliest patch is in 2008, on Jan 15th, which fixed two bugs where the Medi Gun would continue to appear on switching class, and people zooming in too quickly as Sniper. 2009 had no updates at all in this period, neither did 2010, but on the 19th of Jan 2011, we saw a small bug fix update and the addition of a plate when one throws the Buffalo Steak Sandvich. 2012 was equally dull, only adding the… [Continue Reading]

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