Looking at the Infested Overall as a Faction

The Infested are a weird faction. They are their own distinct faction in Warframe, but in a lot of ways, they’re really not. That sounds like a weird thing to say, but the Infested are largely just an ugly mess in the corner that don’t get much attention. Even with Nightwave right now being somewhat focused on the Infested, especially now that there are Emissary derelicts everywhere, the Infested still don’t really have their own thing. The Infested are made up of a handful of units, mostly consisting of Chargers (infested Grineer), Runners, Leapers and Crawlers (all infested Corpus humans),… [Continue Reading]

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The Problems With The Legendary Beasts

Up until this summer, the Legendary Beasts have somewhat plagued Pokemon Go. They were in research breakthroughs for the longest of times, especially Suicune, which no one wanted. We had the Legendary beasts for ages and most people were somewhat tired of them. Over the summer, we did get three 3-hour raid events in which there was a chance to get shiny variants, but even then, they are still… a chore. Last week was a chance to get Entei, Suicune and Raikou in level 5 raids, but aside from that, most people have them from research breakthroughs earlier in the… [Continue Reading]

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Mewtwo is Overrated. In Pokemon Go At Least.

When I first started doing raids on a regular basis, everyone was always like “where are your Mewtwos? Mewtwo is the best!” And I was always like “give me a break, I’ve never caught one!” or “I’m literally helping you fight a raid so I can catch one!”. As cool as Mewtwo is, as a Pokemon Go newbie, I was always recommended to load up on Mewtwos because Mewtwo was the damn best and I needed an army of them. Nowadays, I’m sitting here at level 37 and I don’t have a single powered up Mewtwo. Well I have one… [Continue Reading]

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My Other Favourite Warframes

Anyone who reads the Daily SPUF on a regular basis probably knows that my favourite Warframe by a mile is Volt, distantly followed by Khora and trailed by Ivara. But surely I don’t play those three Warframes all the time, right? No, of course not, I pick Warframes according to what mission I am about to do. But I do have some favourites. What counts as a favourite is quite easy to tell if you simply look in my Warframe arsenal. It’s all the Warframes with Forma in them, right? Well, kinda, yes, mostly. I’ll be honest, I only stuck… [Continue Reading]

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Icky Infested Invasions and Other Nightwave Messes

So part 4 of the Emissary, Nightwave’s current episode, just came out and it’s… kinda gross. Of course, there’s been this cult running around, worshiping a kid called Arlo who supposedly has healing hands, and he’s been healing a bunch of people and ended up becoming the head of an infested cult. Of course, because of said cult, there are nasty zealots running around who seem to think that if you don’t join, you should die, and they’re not very nice, especially since they use a lot if infested stuff. And of course, the Infestation is, uh, highly infectious. So… [Continue Reading]

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An Adorable Mess of Mutated Infectious Tissue

Helminth Chargers are weird. They’re Kubrows but they’re not Kubrows. They are weirdly cute, infested monstrosities made by squeezing a pink and grey zit on your Warframe onto a Kubrow egg and then incubating said egg. They shouldn’t exist, but they do. But what do these weird mutant dog-like beings actually do? To be honest, I’m not sure. The two breeds of Kavats we have both have a use – one gives huge crit buffs and the other gives random buffs at entirely the wrong times. The other breeds of Kubrow all do various things, even if those various things… [Continue Reading]

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The Curious Situation that is whatever Set Mods are supposed to be

When the Plains of Eidolon came out, something else was added as well, slipped in for us to sort of consider later, and offered mainly as bounty rewards. These were the three set mods, the Augur, Vigilante and Gladiator set mods. The concept behind these mods is simple: you use one of these mods, you get a small bonus. The more mods in the set that you use, the stronger the bonus will be. The Augur mod set gives you shields whenever you use energy, the Gladiator set gives you 15% melee critical chance, which stacks with your melee combo… [Continue Reading]

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Still, Still Waiting For That Final Issue

I’ve always loved the Team Fortress comics. While they are batshit insane and to a ton of stupid things that kinda mess with how the rest of Team Fortress 2 works and basically exist in a parallel universe compared to what you see in the games, there’s something about the comics that makes me spend ages sitting down and re-reading them. Even when I was only looking for a particular panel in one comic, I found myself reading through all 6 parts of the 7 part series. Which reminds me. It’s been over two and a half years since issue… [Continue Reading]

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On Raichu

I feel so sorry for Raichu, Pikachu’s evolution. I feel so sorry for it, especially since I have personally insulted the electric mouse Pokemon, calling it a “fat bastard that no one likes”. I know Raichu is a fictional species in a series of fictional animals, and I know I have gone on and said far worse about other Pokemon (especially Dragonite) but Raichu doesn’t really deserve it. Raichu’s problem isn’t that it’s a bad Pokemon. It’s actually a pretty cool, stylized creature with unique features and looks totally like something Pikachu would evolve into. Raichu’s problem is simply that… [Continue Reading]

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Quick Thoughts on Gauss

I’m naughty. I rushed Gauss. I actually managed to get all of Gauss’s parts pretty easily. But that does mean I can give some few quick thoughts about Warframe’s newest, uh, Warframe. First off, the farm. The farm is easy. Gauss’s Neuroptics, Chassis and Systems blueprints all drop from the C rotation of Disruption on Kelpie, Sedna. Not Ceres, like the nice guy in the Levarian suggests. This means that, aside from the first round, you have a chance at getting a Gauss part if you successfully defend all four conduits. And after the fourth round, you have a chance… [Continue Reading]

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