On Dojo Decorating and Pain

Considering the fact that Warframe is a game about space ninjas, it has a pretty damn good architectural scene. In fact, you can do a huge amount of decorating not just in your own ship but in clan dojos as well. In fact, you can spend hours simply making a clan dojo look nice. You can also spend hundreds of Platinum making your ship nice. The decorating tool in Warframe is great, but it has… problems. And lots of pain. It IS a big improvement though. When I last talked about decorating, we didn’t have as many decorations as we… [Continue Reading]

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The Snubbull Research Event Is How All Research Events Should Be

On May 9th, Pokemon Go had a research event featuring the weird clown dog Pokemon Snubbull. In the past, research events have always been very hit and miss. But I think Niantic have finally hit the nail on the head with the Snubbull research event. All you need to do is (mostly) catch Pokemon. Unlike previous research events, research for Snubbull is given to you directly, with a set of 3 tasks and a reward. Once you have done those 3 tasks and collected your rewards, then move on to 3 more tasks. Each task rewards you with a Snubbull,… [Continue Reading]

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An Extreme Worry About The Change of Poke Coins in Pokemon Go

When I saw a news announcement pop up as I opened Pokemon Go, saying Poke Coins would be easier to get, I was happy. For about ten seconds. Frankly, Poke Coins are very hit or miss on how you obtain them. On the one hand, someone with lots of nearby gyms can get a small trickle of coins every day. Someone in the middle of nowhere might wait days to get their Pokemon to come back at all. The announcement seemed great at first. The idea that we can get Poke Coins by doing normal tasks sounds great, until you… [Continue Reading]

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How to Become a Top 500 Artifact Player (Today!)

Hey gamers, have you ever wanted to be among the top 500 players of a video game? And not just any game, but a Valve game? Well, now you can with their 18-month old release, Artifact: a DOTA card game! It hasn’t broken 500 players since the first ninety days it came out. Here’s how to reach the top in 5 easy steps: #1: Purchase the game on Steam. Artifact costs $19.99 and has never gone on sale. This will be the most difficult part of your path to pro. #2: Install the game. This’ll take 5-10 minutes depending on… [Continue Reading]

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I love bees

When I first talked about bees in Minecraft, I try to look at it from a purely practical point of view. Beekeeping is a decently useful thing to do. However, it is not extremely vital, and there is a lot of setup to be done before you can start. Not to mention the fact that finding bees in the first place is a massive pain. However, all that won’t change the fact that I love them. If I am staying at my base, I play extremely passively. I don’t even kill and breed animals. All I do is to just… [Continue Reading]

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I Still Hate K-Drives

I’m reaching that point in the Mastery climb that I’m running out of things to level up. And last on my list, aside from Kuva weapons, are K-Drives. All four of them. I hate them all so much. The grind for K-Drive affinity is almost as bad as the massive grind for Railjack affinity. But why do I hate K-Drive so much? There’s tons of reasons. And it’s pretty surprising because originally I looked forward to K-Drives! One of the biggest things that I thought looked cool on the big Fortuna reveal was the K-Drive. But now that I’ve actually… [Continue Reading]

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The 5 Best Throwables/Grenades in Payday 2

The throwable slot is a very important part of any heister’s inventory, with a lot of versatile options that complement any build. Throwables can be used as a fallback weapon when you need to reload, as an area-of-effect attack when you’re surrounded, as a focused high-damage attack for eliminating specific dangerous enemies, but it all depends on which one which one you bring. Today, we’re covering The 5 Best Throwables in Payday 2. #1. Matroysha Grenades If you want a standard frag grenade-style throwable, the best option is the Matroyshka grenade. All the frag grenade reskins have the same stats,… [Continue Reading]

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A Ramble about the Second Generation of Bionicle

The original Bionicle saga ended in a bit of a mess. While it was all round a happy ending, with evil being defeated and the Matoran and Agori coming together to build a new society, there were a lot of loose ends. From a Toa-killing monster being set free, to the Toa having to work with the Glatorian… All the way to Lewa and company being missing and Kopaka and Pohatu being trapped in the mysterious Red Star… None of the original saga was truly finished. But rather than tie up these loose ends, we ended up getting something else.… [Continue Reading]

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I Mastered Every Item in Warframe Except for Founder Items

I have officially just mastered every weapon in Warframe. Except for Founder items. It’s been a grueling 3 years of grinding, but for now, I’m done. And to think that I was going to stop at 18 because I didn’t think Mastery mattered that much. It doesn’t, but that’s not the point. My point is that I have mastered literally everything apart from the unobtainable Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime and Lato Prime. And it was hell. Especially at the end. Once I hit MR28, I was only missing a few things. Namely Archwing items, K-Drives and whatever new Prime stuff… [Continue Reading]

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Nightwave Intermission 2 Was Okay But Could Have Been So Much Better

This sounds like a weird thing to say, but I actually didn’t mind the stupidly long Intermission 2 that much. Sure, it was around for a very long time, but Nightwave was something… just there. Unlike the main episodes, Nightwave Intermission 2 could be done at a leisurely pace. But it was also something you could completely forget about, or even finish with ease. Since it’s ending today, I feel like we should talk about it. Yes, Intermission 2 went on for far too long. In fact, it went on for so long that DE had to increase the cap.… [Continue Reading]

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