John Prodman’s Autograph

Despite me being Mastery Rank 30, there’s still a lot of… tidbits I haven’t done yet. Small challenges and hunts that I never got around to. While I did eventually get max rank with the Ventkids, I never bothered with Conclave. And don’t get me started on finding all the Kurias. But one of the slightly more challenging things on this list is quite simple really. That challenge was an hour in the Index. I had to spend an hour in the Index, so I could finally face the myth that was John Prodman. John Prodman is the Clem of… [Continue Reading]

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Not Sure I Like This Whole No Warframes Thing…

The other day I talked about the Warframe Operation, Orphix Venom. This event is really weird because it doesn’t involve Warframes. I mean, you spawn in as your Warframe, you run to the first objective in your Warframe, but that’s it. Orphix Venom is about one thing: Your Necramech. It’s also part of a growing trend where Warframes are, well, undesired. We’re completely removing the game’s namesake from the gameplay. Think about it. This game is called Warframe. The point of the game is to pilot biomechanical suits called Warframes and use them to slaughter our way to a better… [Continue Reading]

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Starving A Lot in Don’t Starve Together

“Hey, I know dad gave us €20 to buy take-out, but why don’t we buy a game instead?” A simple enough premise. We had tons and tons of Christmas dinner leftovers, and didn’t need to buy takeout. The idea was to buy a pack of four games in the Christmas sales to play instead. Makes sense, right? What none of us anticipated was how long that would take. We spent two hours choosing a game. Seriously, we spent bloody ages picking things out. An early contender was Shadow Warrior 2, which me and brother already owned and only needed two… [Continue Reading]

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The Issue With Space Mums in Warframe

It seems like we have a lot of problems with parental figures in Warframe. None of them seem to treat the Tenno as they really are. Every single Tenno is a child. Okay, sure, said child was forcibly grown up and trained to pilot a walking genocide machine. Sure, all the Tenno are basically immortal. And not all the Tenno are accounted for. But it’s definitely true that the Tenno are kids. Although they are growing up at a weird pace. However, the way they are growing up is being fundamentally altered by the multitude of parental figures wandering around… [Continue Reading]

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8 More Free Weapons Every Player Should Try in Payday 2

In 2016 I wrote this article, and I legit don’t think I remembered it when using the exact same title for a SPUF of Legend video almost two years later. Well, the two lists don’t actually have much in common, so let’s cover some more great options that don’t require any DLC! (Note: This list is only for ranged weapons, if you want melee weapons check out this previous article.) 1. The Platypus The Platypus topped both of these lists due to being the only sniper rifle available to base game players, meaning that it can penetrate shields to damage… [Continue Reading]

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Collection Challenges Are A Bad Idea in Pokemon GO

As of writing, right now, we have an Unova event. And part of that Unova event is a mini event, where we have to catch several species of Pokemon. There’s 9 Pokemon needed to be caught to get the rewards and medals. In fact, it’s somewhat like a Pokedex challenge. Just like the main games, you gotta fill in the Pokedex. Even if it’s currently just a check list. However, this is all nothing but luck. In the normal Pokemon games, this makes sense. Most Pokemon spawn in specific places. You know where to look. And since the world is… [Continue Reading]

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Cyberpunk 2077: First Impressions

Cyberpunk 2077 has had a…polarizing release, to say the least. We were all pretty much expecting that, given that all the pieces were there for a very tumultuous recipe. Massive overbearing hype, multiple lengthy production delays, a widely-trusted developer hoping to meet lofty expectations, and a suspicious lack of actual gameplay in the trailers. But even I was surprised by the extreme variance in incoming early reviews. Some people (myself included) reported pristine performance, others were experiencing barely-playable messes. Certain aspects of the game were incredible, often genre-forwarding improvements to the formula. Whereas other core fundamentals were lacking or downright antithetical… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Warframe Tier List for Lazy People

It’s genuinely hard to make a Warframe tier list. There’s so many ways you can categorize Warframes! Do you categorize them based on how much damage they can do? How many enemies they can kill? What enemies? What level of enemies? How about missions? Is a Warframe bad because it can’t survive 3 hours in a survival mission? Or is it just not suited for the job? So many questions, so many tier lists. Which is where I come in. This tier list is simple: How much bang do you get for your buck? What Warframes require the least amount… [Continue Reading]

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Lavos, the Alchemist Snake Warframe

Getting a new Warframe is always nice, but normally, I’m late with new Warframe reviews. Being someone who grinds most things out the old-fashioned way, I tend not to buy new frames with Platinum. The only exceptions are genuinely tedious grinds, like the Arbitration farm and horrible missions for Grendel. Lavos on the other hand at least has multiple paths of obtaining him, and, amazing, I lucked out. I somehow managed to farm a new frame in a single hour. Purely by chance. An easier yet temporary farm The new Warframe can be farmed in two main ways. The first… [Continue Reading]

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The First 500 Words of 2021

Every year since 2016, I made a new years resolution to write 500 words a day. Originally I didn’t have many rules aside from the 500 words. Slowly though, they became 500 words no matter what, every single day. Either a Daily SPUF article or a Phoviverse story. And generally closer to 700 words on most days, because passing 500 was never quite enough. Either way, I did it. I wrote 500 words a day, minimum, every day. I even managed this throughout 2020. Granted, 2020 WAS a bit easier than most years. There was more to write about. But… [Continue Reading]

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