Tips to Get to Best Buddies slightly quicker in Pokemon GO

In Pokemon GO, getting a Pokemon to the level of Best Buddies is kinda hard. Actually, no. I take that back. It’s tedious trying to level up a buddy. Luckily here are some little tips to maybe speed things up.

Keep the Nanabs

For once, nanab berries have a use, aside from making excellent throws in a row. Most of the time, you don’t need nanabs to catch Pokemon, so it’s worth feeding them to your buddy instead. Eventually, your buddy will start giving you gifts of berries, but at the start, you have to use what you’ve got. Luckily, the three basic buddies have no differences when it comes to shoving food into your buddy’s face.

If you are in a rush, then use a golden razzberry. A golden razzberry will fully feed your buddy in one single piece of fruit. But most of the time, there’s no real hurry.

Fight everyone

As far as I’m concerned, Team Rocket battles should always be done. We have to beat the shit out of those hooligans and steal their Pokemon. So why not get your buddy involved? Most team rocket fights tend to save your previous team, which will remember if you had a buddy present or not. Team Rocket fights are guaranteed to come four times a day, and are very easy fights. So easy in fact that you only really need one Pokemon; the extra space can be used for two buddies, to save switching them out later.

In the mean time, why not fight Spark, Candela and Ice Bitch? They’re always around to fight, and the Great and UItra league battles are pretty fast. Master League team leader fights also work but they also use protection shields, which slows the fight down significantly. Out of the three of them, Blanche is the fastest for Great League, but Candela is better for both Ultra and Master league battles. Because all of her Pokemon are weak to Rock types. Including her Salamence.

Just make sure that your buddy is well-fed first. It sucks doing a fight and not getting the heart for it.

Save Poffins

Honestly? Poffins are alright, but if you are not going to be doing anything in particular, they’re not really worth using. If it’s, for example, a Community Day where you’ll be walking around a lot, then a poffin is definitely worth the extra hearts it gets you. But if I am sitting on my arse all day, then I see mo point in even considering using a poffin.

If you want to get more Poffins, then one of the ways of getting more is by doing AR tasks at pokestops and gyms. These AR tasks require access to your photos and camera and can be a bit tedious. But a lot of them will give you a poffin for your work.

There’s actually an entire separate system on Pokestops as well, where you can scan them to temporarily upgrade your Pokestops. But it’s crap feature. Just do the AR tasks by recording the floor, get your poffin and call it a day.

Swap between a handful of Pokemon

Some people go to great lengths, switching between 20 Pokemon and maximizing their potential buddies. However, as a semi-casual player, I think that’s way too much work. That being said, if you have a Pokemon that is Great Buddy or higher, it’s worth swapping to one of them, so you can grab whatever gifts they’ve brought to you. Especially if you are walking a fresh new Pokemon with no prior buddy experience.

Be consistent and patient

The biggest piece of advice I can give, as a lunatic, is to just remember to actually do all of this. Maybe call it a Pokemon GO routine or something. Open the game, feed your buddy, battle a grunt, do some research tasks, then repeat. Because your buddy’s progress will be much, much slower if you’re not consistent…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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