Happy Holidays 2022!

Wait, what? It’s December? And it’s the 25th? Christmas Day? What the hell happened? Where did December go? How did we get here? No, seriously, I swear that December has flown by. Maybe it’s because this Christmas is rather different compared to previous Christmases. Lots of different things going on. For me, it’s the first time I’m spending Christmas away from family, and everything is a little bit exciting and definitely very different.

But yeah, it’s Christmas Day and things are nice and calm right now. It’s not snowing, but it never does when you’re on the coast. It’s only in the mountains that you get snow here. Still, doesn’t mean we can’t be festive. After all, anyone on the southern hemisphere has seasons the other way around, so in, for example, Australia, it’s presumably nice and hot and sunny right now. What’s nice though is that, despite the snow, a lot of people are celebrating Christmas. Or at the very least they are taking a day off. Unfortunately, there also plenty of people working over the holidays, and I feel sorry for those folks. Hopefully they are spending time off in January instead.

At least for me, I am getting time time off, and I’m spending Christmas with my boyfriend. We’re having a grand old time, split between chilling out and playing board games, of which he has many. I’m also going to make a somewhat traditional British Christ dinner, which we’re probably going to have for lunch. Although I’m not doing too much food this year. After all, it’s just me and the boyfriend, and although we are both bottomless pits, there’s no need to do an entire turkey or anything. I don’t really like turkey anyway. Instead, I’m gonna cook a honey and mustard roast gammon, which is basically ham and bacon but somehow better. We’re also going to cook potatoes in some form (most likely roasted), as well as some vegetables. It’s all going to be very tasty. And after the food, it’ll be back to relaxing and having fun.

medic christmas

Anyway, I’m rambling here. This is mostly a rambling article. Always is at this time of year. I feel happy and I want everyone else to be happy too. Even if we’re all stuffed with food and covered in decorative paper from Christmas presents and crackers. Today, at least for me, is a special day and I always want to celebrate and have fun. Well, I’m not really celebrating much, it’s more of an excuse to do nothing but drink and overeat and chill out.

So, merry Christmas, everyone. Happy holidays, merry Smissmas, happy Tennobaum, happy everything, regardless of what you want to celebrate. We hope you all have a good day, even if you’re not celebrating or anything. Or at least a half-decent day. Or… you get what I mean. Have a good one, and we’ll see you again tomorrow, hopefully with a more… normal article. Probably about gaming. We are a video game blog, after all.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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