Five Pokemon You Should Consider To Have as a Buddy

In Pokemon GO, you rarely walk alone. There’s always a buddy Pokemon by your side as you walk around. But what is worth walking around? Here are some options. Magikarp You can never have too much Magikarp candy. Even if you’ve managed to complete the Evolve a Magikarp task in Mew’s special research, the fact that you need so much candy is always still there. After all, you need to power up your Gyarados as well. Gyarados isn’t the be-all and end-all of water types, but it is a very strong water type and it has a Mega Evolution, which… [Continue Reading]

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More Candies for Better Throws Should be the Norm

During the Ultra Bug Out event, a new passive bonus was released, alongside a bunch of other event buffs. Simply put, you’d get more candy based on the quality of a throw. A Nice throw would earn you one extra candy, a Great throw two candy and an Excellent throw 3 candy. With a pinap berry, that’s up to 12 candy for an Excellent throw on a normal Pokemon. Pretty neat, right? Sadly, this extra candy for good throws is only for the Bug Out event, and once it’s gone, we might not ever see it again. However, the extra… [Continue Reading]

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5 Legendaries You Don’t Need to Power Up in Pokemon GO

Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon GO are very expensive to power up. They require a lot of candy, and that candy is hard to come by. Not only that, but they rotate in and out of raids. If you don’t keep up, you end up missing vital Pokemon. However, thankfully, not every legendary Pokemon is worth the time and effort to power up. They may have some very niche uses in PvP stuff, but you shouldn’t see these Pokemon in raids and the like. Here are some Legendary Pokemon that you don’t need to power up. Virizion and Cobalion The Swords… [Continue Reading]

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What’s The Point of Double Candy if there’s Nothing to Catch?

On the 12th and 13th of June, we had a small mini-event in Pokemon GO. The event was very simple: get double candy for catching Pokemon. There were some other bonuses as well, like a higher chance to get XL candy. But that only applied to level 40+ players. Sounds great in theory. However, there’s a small problem here. There was nothing to really catch. We had overlapping events! This candy event started in the middle of A Very Slow Discovery. As you can probably guess, the Pokemon in this event are mostly Slowpoke. Sure, we get the release of… [Continue Reading]

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Into the Candy Grinder

Before we start, no, this isn’t about Candy Crush. I’ve been considering writing an article about that for a while, but I just don’t know where to start with that insanely popular mobile game. No, this article is about the other insanely popular mobile game, Pokemon Go. “Wait, there’s no candy grinder in Pokemon Go.” Yes there is. In fact there is enough candy for every base Pokemon up until the beginnings of Generation 4. When you catch a Pokemon, you are rewarded candy. 3 candy for a normal catch, 6 candy if you use a Pinap berry on level… [Continue Reading]

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