What To Do If You’re Attacked On the Sea of Thieves

So you’re sitting there, quite happily emptying a vault after successfully finding a key. But oh no, there’s a ship on the horizon! What do you do? Well, unfortunately, you’re probably in trouble. Sure, you can try and talk your way out of a situation, but if a pirate wants blood, they’ll get it. So here are some handy common knowledge tips, in order to try and save yourself. I’d actually recommend against running, at least not for hours. If someone is coming to attack you, they’ll just keep on coming. I’ve been on both sides of the chase, and… [Continue Reading]

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On The Abandoned Mess That Is Railjack

When Railjack originally came out, it was buggy and difficult, but it was interesting. Once the bugs were cleared up (mostly things like getting stuck between missions and rewards not being rewarded), the experience was great. Railjack was genuinely challenging, and required strong teamwork in order to not get completely torn apart. The Intrinsics system was grindy, the whole process of building a Railjack was very expensive and there wasn’t really any reward for any of it apart from Mastery, but it was new and exciting and different. Over time though, the excitement died down. But at the same time,… [Continue Reading]

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The Entrati Labs Are A Better Zariman

The more I think about it, the more I can’t help but shake this feeling. The Zariman is an alright place to be, but the Entrati Labs are so much cooler. It’s as if they took what made the Zariman interesting and upped it repeatedly. While the Zariman does look cool, it is mostly just ruined and destroyed. On the flip side, the Entrati Labs are basically two locations in one, a weird Orokin Frankenstein laboratory where massive body parts are being made, combined with the creepy, open air areas of Indifference. On top of that, the Entrati Labs are… [Continue Reading]

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Sea of Thieves’ Season 10 Was Lame

I’m going to be straight here, Season 10 sucked. There was hardly anything in it. We got some numbers, a single world event and a copy of an existing game mode. That was it. Nothing else. Let’s start with guilds. While guilds are indeed cool, they are mostly just some numbers that go up, and the ability to use your friends’ ships, if they allow you to. Sure, there’s some progression and unlocked tied to it, but 99% of guilds is invisible once you’re in game. The only gameplay-affecting part is when you get to rank 15 and unlock the… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon I miss seeing in the wild

Pokemon GO currently has the second most Pokemon available to catch, after Pokemon HOME, only just edging out Ultra Sun and Moon. When Pokemon Sword and Shield came out, we had Dexit, and a LOT of Pokemon were cut out of the game, you could no longer catch them all. Scarlet and Violet continued this trend, with there only being about 400 Pokemon in the complete Pokedex for the game and its current DLCs. However, while you can almost catch them all in Pokemon GO, a lot of it relies on luck, and a LOT of Pokemon can only be… [Continue Reading]

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On Playing Dagath

I’ve honestly been pretty late when it comes to new Warframes. I still haven’t managed to get any Qorvex parts, despite being rank 4 with the Cavia. Sure, I can buy the parts from Bird-3, but they cost 20k standing each, and that’s a lot of standing, when bounties only give a maximum of about 5k each, assuming I do the hardest bounties. At the same time, I put off farming for Dagath for ages. It wasn’t that the farm for Dagath is hard, but it was boring. The problem was that I waited for a resource booster. It turns… [Continue Reading]

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Routes Are Still Annoying

Routes in Pokemon GO are kinda simple. You go up to a Pokestop or gym, start a route, then follow a glowing trail all the way to another Pokestop or gym. And that’s… kinda it. There is some leeway when it comes to actually following the path, as it has to deal with GPS sway and things like that, but you still have to stick kinda close to the route. If you travel too far away, you have to backtrack and then MANUALLY resume the route. At the end of the route, there’s a chance of finding a Zygarde Cell… [Continue Reading]

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An Article About Our Trickster Warframe

I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Loki. When it comes to invisible Warframes, Loki was my first, and I got him pretty early on. He was also, surprisingly, the Warframe I ended up taking when I did the quest the War Within, where I unlocked my Operator’s true potential… and kinda left Loki trapped in a Grineer trash heap for two weeks while I struggled with invisible Golden Maws. But time has been cruel to the Trickster Warframe, and he’s really struggling to remain even remotely feasible these days. Today, I am going to discuss how… [Continue Reading]

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Dagath’s Backstory – So Screwing Warframes is Fine…

Being a good clan warlord, when Dagath came out, we got that room pretty much instantly. Between Inquizitor and myself, we built the room, fed it the materials it needed and then wasted some Platinum on getting it built instantly. Once we had the room done, we went in,m grabbed the blueprints for Dagath and her weapon and that was pretty much it. It wasn’t until I noticed I could alter my Kaithe in that room (although my Kaithe always appears invisible to me) that I noticed that Dagath has LORE. And not just any lore, but lore read by… [Continue Reading]

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Should You Play Palworld?

Before I answer the title of this article, I have to make a confession. I don’t like survival games. I get the appeal, particularly the ADHD alluring gameplay loop of collection and checking off lists. Unfortunately, at the core of survival games is the system I most loathe: crafting. However, I decided to give it a try with the promise of gun toting fowl. In principle, it’s a great idea! Who doesn’t want to create and own a piece of the game world? Going on a quest in Dungeons and Dragons to collect fabled ingredients to forge a blade of… [Continue Reading]

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