On Things Just Generally Being Frustrating

Some people ask me why I seem so pissed off all the time. While I try my best to remain calm and patient, I am quick to temper and I complain a lot. Well, the reason behind all my annoyance is very simple. There are a LOT of little tiny things that annoy me. And let me be honest here. I’ve been to therapy. Mostly for depression, but partly for my ill temper and awkward way of breaking down at everything. Because I do break down in tears a lot. I normally do so because something has gone horrifically wrong.… [Continue Reading]

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Thoughts on Safer Seas Now They’re Out

The other day, I was busy sailing on my own when I received an invite from my sister’s waifu (let’s call him Garbo, based on his username), inviting me to join him on a galleon on Safer Seas. So I finished the Ghost Fort I was doing (I’d only been playing for about 20 minutes), sold up all my loot and spent an eternity sitting in a loading screen, accepted his invite then sat in another long loading screen to join him. Also joining us were my sister and their friend, a very new player who had only played the… [Continue Reading]

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On Suddenly Jumping Back Into Pokemon Violet After Not Playing for Ages

The other day, aabicus popped me a message, saying that you could get a shiny Lucario in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet by entering the code “SH1NYBUDDY”. For some reason, Pokemon codes are allergic to the letters i and o. Either way, I thought a free Lucario was pretty cool, and I opened up Pokemon Violet. After about three different updates because I hadn’t used my Switch in a while, I finally got my shiny Lucario, only to realize two things: firstly, it was level 75 so it wouldn’t obey me, and, secondly, I already had a Lucario in my party.… [Continue Reading]

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Catch Mastery: Ice – A Catching Event

Despite nearly missing this event, I quite like the Catch Mastery events. They’ve had a couple of different names over the years, with the last one being called Catch Mastery: Fighting, and other ones being called Research Days and things like that, but the premise is mostly the same. You do a bunch of simple research tasks that involve catching Pokemon, and you’re rewarded a specific one. In the case of Catch Mastery: Ice, the reward Pokemon was Cryogonal. The research tasks were pretty simple. Most of them involved getting Nice or Great throws, as well as catching Ice-type Pokemon,… [Continue Reading]

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The Pokemon GO Community Weekend 2023

Every December, we don’t get a singular Community Day with one Pokemon. Instead we get a recap weekend, where the Pokemon from the Community Days of the year are split into two groups, and you have two Community Days on one weekend. This year’s Community Weekend featured the likes of Fennekin, Chespin, Froakie, Togetic, Noibat, Poliwag, Slowpoke, Grubbin, Axew, Timburr and Wooper. Just like previous years,we got two days of spawns, with all 11 Pokemon spawning from between 10am to 10pm, then the community day spawn rates and shiny chances from 2pm t0 5pm. Evolving a Pokemon that featured in… [Continue Reading]

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More Little Stormcloud Adventures

The Little Stormcloud doesn’t see that much action. Up until recently, my brig saw very little action, being barely painted and decorated. However, with Guilds in the Sea of Thieves, Little Stormcloud finally got a chance to get some use. I pledged her to my guild, the Calcium Kings, and she’s now available for use by everyone in the Calcium Kings guild. And, occasionally, we take her out on adventures. I say “occasionally”, I mean twice. Her first proper excursion saw her unlock the majority of name plates, in a massive adventure that saw us make a fucking huge sum… [Continue Reading]

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I Hate Flying

I hate flying. The other day, I got back from a trip to the UK. We celebrated my sister getting married, we did lots of shopping and we spent some time with family, namely my cousins, aunt and uncle. It was nice, but it was expensive and I spent most of the vacation ill with a cold. I didn’t even buy much, most of my money went on food and cold medication. But the bit I hated most was the flying. From Cyprus to England, it’s five hours there and four and a half hours back. Weirdly, England to Cyprus… [Continue Reading]

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Whispers in the Walls – A New Quest

This December, Warframe experienced its last big update of 2023, with Whispers in the Walls. Teased at Tennocon 2023, Whispers in the Walls brought with it melee weapon arcanes, a new syndicate and a bounty system similar to the Zariman, a new Warframe and, the icing on the cake, a new quest, a thrust forward into Warframe’s new story, after the New War. This article contains spoilers. Do not read. Go and play the quest first. It has level 40 enemies, and I recommend taking an Excalibur for… immersive reasons. Also, take a Helios with you. Have fun! Whispers in… [Continue Reading]

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How To Be Less of an Obvious Target on the Sea of Thieves

I get it, not everyone is a bloodthirsty pirate. Sometimes, yes, you do want to just sail from island to island, digging up chests and shooting the odd skeleton. But sometimes people seem to target you and annoy you. The reasons are varied, either they see you as a threat, you have something they want or they just want to sink a ship. Luckily, there are some ways you can make yourself less of an obvious target. Use bright colours This sounds counterintuitive, because normally being brightly coloured suggests that you are a threat. However, if you use all the… [Continue Reading]

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Wednesday Raid Hour

Pokemon GO is kinda designed as a community game, a game we have to play together. After all, we have events called Community Days, we have large friends lists that give us bonuses as we level up and we work together to beat raids. One community-based event however happens every Wednesday. At 6pm local time, level 5 Legendary raids appear on the majority of gyms, an event known as Raid Hour. If a gym already has a raid on it, if it finishes before Raid Hour ends at 7pm, then it’ll get a Legendary raid egg after the current raid… [Continue Reading]

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