Wooper Community Day

Wooper is a cute Pokemon, and it was made even cuter when Pokemon Scarlet and Violet came out, as it got a regional form which was also very cute. So when it got a community day, I was excited to get not just one, but two cute, cool shinies. For this community day, we got not just normal Wooper, but we also got the release of Paldean Wooper, and its evolution Clodsire. The bonuses for this event were 1/4 hatch distance and x2 candy on catching Pokemon. These didn’t feel that useful, mostly because Wooper has never been a rare… [Continue Reading]

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Reaper’s Bones – Lore versus Gameplay

Throughout the history of Sea of Thieves, there’s been an obvious bad guy behind it all. Captain Flameheart is a ruthless pirate, infused with various dark magics, who wants to violently take over the Sea of Thieves and become its king. Flameheart is a vile and vicious monster who will happily kill anyone in his path in order to complete his plan. For a long time though, Flameheart was kinda dead, and acted via proxies and loyal servants, particularly the Ashen Lords. In the current timeline in the game though, thanks to an adventure where we had to collect mystic… [Continue Reading]

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On Shadows and IVs

So we just had a Team Rocket Takeover event, and it was pretty damn good. It was also part of a Halloween event, but, frankly, with the new shadow Pokemon we got, it was like Christmas for anyone who is into doing raids. We got four new shadow Pokemon that are either the best or among the best when it comes to DPS. The Pokemon we got are genuinely great. Shadow Rampardos and Shadow Gengar are the glassiest of cannons, but when they do manage to get their damage off, they absolutely destroy. Unfortunately, that might not always be possible,… [Continue Reading]

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If Sea of Thieves Had Blood

Sea of Thieves is a completely bloodless game. Despite the amount of murder that goes on, there is not a single drop of blood to be seen. Ghosts explode into green clouds, skeletons disintegrate into bone dust and human pirates keel over and slowly fade away, rather than ragdolling on death, their souls slowly floating upwards. You can kill sharks, snakes, pigs and chickens for food and they disappear into puffs of smoke, while megalodons and krakens screech in agony before sinking beneath the waves. There’s no blood what so ever. Probably the closest thing to blood is either some… [Continue Reading]

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Hatching Eggs Sucks

Hatching eggs in Pokemon GO is a tedious thing. You spend ages walking around and an egg hatches and, most of the time, it’s nothing good. The last ten eggs I’ve hatched have all given me nothing good. But let’s look deeper into why eggs suck so much. Basically, to put things into TF2 terms, eggs are crates, and incubators are keys. While you do get one free and infinite incubator, having just the one makes hatching eggs take a long time. It requires a lot of walking to hatch one egg, with the longer it needs to walk, the… [Continue Reading]

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The Abyssal Zone is not Scary

Abyss of Dagath has been a massive update, and there’s plenty of stuff I want to write about. And I will be writing a lot about the update in the next few days. But there’s one thing bothering me. There is a new material required in order to build the new Warframe, Dagath, but th mission required to obtain it is kinda weird. It’s called the Abyssal Zone and I want to talk about it. So, basically, the Abyssal Zone is an Exterminate with Orokin Vault-like debuffs. The mission starts off as an ordinary Exterminate mission in a slightly darkened… [Continue Reading]

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The Team Rocket Leaders Are Actually Worth Fighting Now!

After three months of awful shadow Pokemon, the Team Rocket Leaders now actually have good Pokemon! In fact, all three of them have pretty good Pokemon! It looks like it’s time to equip those Rocket Radars I’ve been holding on to. With the Halloween Rocket Takeover event, we got three new Pokemon from the Leaders of Team Rocket, and Giovanni is also back with a new shadow Legendary. Sierra is back with Sableye, Arlo is skulking around with Bellsprout and Cliff is now everyone’s new best friend with Dratini. All three Pokemon have the potential to be shiny, and are… [Continue Reading]

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Party Play Is… Interesting

Pokemon GO recently added a new feature called Party Play. The idea is that up to four players can join a group and see each other in-game. While you are in Party Play, you get various buffs and benefits, as well as various challenges to do. Is this feature any good though? Well, kinda. It’s a neat little feature. You can see your friends on your screen as you play. You can only have four players though, which might screw over families with three or more kids. I think that’s who this new feature is aimed at. Party Play lasts… [Continue Reading]

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60 Raids for a Master Ball – Was It Worth It?

So I’ve finally completed the Master Ball timed research. It’s taken me around about two months, but I finished it with time to spare. The hardest task by far was to win 60 raids. However, was this research worth it? Was it worth spending raid passes, both free and premium? Well, kinda… First off, 60 raids is too many raids. If you want to do the research without spending money, you have to do a raid every day for, well, two months. Which is basically what I did. I did spend quite a few premium raid passes on a Guzzlord… [Continue Reading]

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I Don’t Know How To Mod Any More

In my absence from playing Warframe regularly, something has happened. It seems that my weapons are weaker than they used to be. Or, rather, they don’t go as far as they used to. Over the years, enemy balance hasn’t changed that much, but there is more and more content that starts at higher levels and there are more enemies that can ignore you. Eximus in particular are immune to most forms of crowd control, and are harder to bring down. As for me though, I haven’t really reacted to these changes, and am still using the same old gear. Now,… [Continue Reading]

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