An Article About Mog

The other day, while writing an article about my new cat in Sea of Thieves, I realized that I’d never written an article about my oldest pet. I’ve written a couple of articles about Ringo, my second pet, but one of them was to announce his passing, back in 2022. It turns out, I never discussed Mog, my first and oldest pet. Mog, also known as Captain Virgil Mogtastic, randomly turned up one sunny day when I was 20 years old, back when I lived in the middle of nowhere. He was a very small, very skinny cat with horrible… [Continue Reading]

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A Kitty in the Sea of Thieves

The other day, I finally gave in and bought a pet in Sea of Thieves. I’ve wanted a pet in Sea of Thieves for a long time, but I’ve been holding off for a long time, while i slowly earned enough Ancient Coins in order to be able to afford one. Ancient Coins in Sea of Thieves are the premium currency, and are actually pretty expensive, considering that the game itself is often €40. That being said, most people get Sea of Thieves for free or for cheap via the XBox Game Pass, so Microsoft and Rare have to make… [Continue Reading]

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The Three Best Companions

There are quite a lot of companions in Warframe. As you start out, you are gifted with the Taxon, a small sentinel that helps you out and keeps your shields happy. As you play more though, you realize that there are not just floating robots. One quest gives you a Kubrow, a dog companion, and over time, you can also get cats, robotic dogs, mechanical emus, three types of infested Kubrow and Kavat, an Infested Charger, and other floating robots too. However, since there are so many, it’s easy to get confused. So here are the three best companions in… [Continue Reading]

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Other People’s Cats

Other people’s cats are great. There’s really not much else to say, other than the fact that you don’t have to deal with them. They come in, act cute and get cuddles, or bugger off and hide, then go back to doing their own things. Mind you, not all pets act the same. Some cats will zoom to whoever likes cats the least, while the more social cats will lounge around, waiting for snacks and scritches. But at the end of the day, you can give a cat back to its owner and don’t have to deal with it any… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Plays D&D for the First Time In A Year

It’s been a long, long time since I properly played Dungeons and Dragons. So when my sister messaged me with a campaign idea she’d had, I jumped at the idea. For the first time in over a year, we would finally get the group back together and play. Well, we were playing online via Discord, but you get what I mean. After a long time discussing characters, we settled on three characters: Regret, a Tiefling Spore Druid with ties to the Fey Lands; Leoric, a Wood Elf Rogue who also has ties with the Fey Lands; and finally, me, Milo,… [Continue Reading]

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Cats and Health

Cats are strange creatures. We treasure them as pets, but, unlike dogs, cats are very aloof and mostly do as they please. It’s easy to annoy a cat and make it attack you, and cats often scratch and bite when they are angry. People have to be careful of cats, especially wild ones, as they may carry diseases. However, despite all of this, cats can actually be good for your health. It turns out that a cat can be a great companion for someone who is feeling down or lonely. While a cat can’t make you feel positive thoughts, it… [Continue Reading]

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Rest Well, Ringo

Today, a bright and sunny Thursday, 23th July, our poor cat Ringo was put to sleep. You may remember Ringo from an article a long time ago, talking about his life. We also had a April Fools blog post where Ringo took over the website for a bit. Ringo is one of the two cats I’ve ever owned and, once he became a family member, he was accepted and grew up to have a happy life. Unfortunately, his life was recently cut short, due to cancer. He was ill, he was tired and he was refusing to eat. Ringo knew… [Continue Reading]

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On Owning Pets

I’ve never really been a pet person. When I was little, I never had a pet and the only pet I knew of was Tinker, the old, derpy dog my nan used to look after. Tinker was cute and fluffy but I was little and he seemed huge and scary and I didn’t always see much of him. I actually didn’t really get a pet until I was an adult, and even then, they were someone else’s pets. I just happened to share a house with them. That being said, we’ve actually had a couple of blog posts here on… [Continue Reading]

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The Black Panther Movie – A Kinda Late Review

So I saw the Black Panther movie. There was none of that nonsense about going to ‘x-only’ screenings or anything like that (same with literally any other movie here) because I live on a tiny little island and the demographic who want to see this film simply don’t care and just want to watch a movie. But it’s a Marvel movie and my brother was desperate to see it, so we went on cheap Tuesday to watch it. Basically? It’s a good movie. Not groundbreaking. Not mind-blowing. Not racist or in your face or insensitive or anything like that. It’s… [Continue Reading]

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A Ramble about Cats

There was a story I was told when I was at school, that a Saint Helena brought a shit ton of cats to a small monastery to get rid of the local population of rats and snakes, and that was why there are so many cats in Cyprus. Whether the story is genuinely true or she just let go of a bunch of cats near a church and only added slightly to the Cypriot feline population, I have no idea. But I like cats and I felt this was a good story to start off this ramble. Also apparently, some… [Continue Reading]

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