How to Play as a Dragon in Skyrim

Yes, you can play as a dragon in Skyrim. The bad news is that to do so, you require a couple of mods, it’s a bit buggy and you need to use the old version of Skyrim, not Special Edition. It’s Legendary Edition only, folks. The good news is that the modded version is far better than the pitiful excuse for dragon riding that Bethesda added, and you actually get to be a dragon, rather than sitting mindlessly on a dragon’s back, only allowed to use a handful of spells. The bad news is that playing as a dragon kinda… [Continue Reading]

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A Series of Unlikely Gaming Stories 5 – A Missing Dragon

There I was, just trying to cross the border into Skyrim, when I managed to get caught in some sort of war zone. I’m not an idiot, I immediately surrendered. Alright, I know, I know, I shouldn’t have been crossing the border as I was, but how was I supposed to know that this normally empty area was going to be full of soldiers? I was just trying to get back home to the last of my family in Whiterun for the winter holiday! Honestly, the path was open literally a week ago anyway! Now I was going to be… [Continue Reading]

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An Alpha Version of Burning Skies

Burning Skies is my second favourite mod in Skyrim, after the amazing mod that is Open Cities. It’s both a big, clunky mod and a small mod – not many people seem to use it despite its huge number of endorsements and downloads, and very few people seem to use it full time the way I do. At some point, I’ll do the dragon-based playthrough I promised I’d do after the Medic in Skyrim and Dawnguard Sniping series. But Burning Skies is a complicated mod, full of problems and bugs. It also has been a very slow process just to… [Continue Reading]

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Grim Dragons – A 2D Dragon in a 3D World

Every so often, I’ll go to the search function on the Steam store and type in the word ‘dragon’ to see what comes up. Normally it’s the same old same old. Dragon’s Dogma. Skyrim. Dragon Age. Dragonball games. Far Cry 3 – Blood Dragon. Then there’s the stuff which is most likely good, but I don’t want to play. That Dragon, Cancer is probably absolutely amazing, but I’m trying to escape reality, not be reminded of it. Most games with the search term are either JRPGs, RPG games of some sort, or side-scrolling games. Assuming that you actually get to… [Continue Reading]

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Yet Another Shitty Eternal Beta Dragon Game

I’m pissed off. I’m always pissed off, but that’s not the point. I don’t want much from my stupid existence on this tiny, gods-forsaken planet, but what I do want is a half-decent game where I can play as a dragon and do dragony things, like burn villages and kill people. As a concept, it sounds really simple. It could make a fucking huge amount of money, like Goat Simulator but preferably good. Heck, it would make an amazing MMO game or an RPG. Preferably in 3d because dragons are big creatures who fly around a lot, and flying around… [Continue Reading]

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Very Early First Impressions of Dragon Souls and a Chat About UI Design

So I’ve been eyeing Dragon Souls for ages. A free to play game where you play as a dragon fighting other dragons while collecting gold? One with a more open-world, traditional dragon feel rather than a weird futuristic match-made deathmatch objective game mode cloning monster thing like Time of Dragons? Sign me up! Well, kinda. You gotta keep an eye on the email address you sign up with. And keep an eye on Dragon Souls in general since it’s a very small early access in beta sort of thing. Well, alpha. I don’t think we can call it a beta… [Continue Reading]

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On Obtaining Chroma

Chroma is the dragon-like character in Warframe. He breathes fire, he has elemental powers, he’s big and bulky and dragon-like and he rips his skin off and turns it into a dragon minion that kills people. But holy fucking Bahrag is this motherfucker hard to fucking get. I kid you not. To build Chroma, you need five things. Firstly you need to complete a rather simple quest, the New Strange, in which you see a ‘feral Chroma’ attacking Corpus and Grineer and have to track it down. Cephalon Simaris, a self-proclaimed gatherer of knowledge, keeper of the (purely digital) Santuary… [Continue Reading]

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I’ve finally made a functional Dragon Follower mod

I’ve finally done it. I’ve made a Dragon Follower mod. Sort of. Kinda. Maybe. Alright, it doesn’t crash my game or eat my save or in any way break anything else in the game. It does kinda screw with the first fight with Alduin, but only because of where I placed my follower dragon. But it works. Hours of tweaking shitty AI packages and trying to figure out Papyrus error messages, and I’ve got five dragons that follow you if you wear their necklaces. And there’s the added bonus that they’re way better than 90% of all dragon follower mods… [Continue Reading]

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The Troubles In Making A Dragon Follower Mod

Let’s face it, I’m not very good at making mods. They’re hard. Even though Skyrim has tools to make mods, it’s still hard. Most of the mods I’ve made haven’t worked that well. Electric Breath has a weird bug that makes Fire Breath silent which I never worked out how to fix. The houses I’ve made, one of them doesn’t have proper LODs and another has a weird hole in a mountain but it’s small and fixable. A third, more temple-like structure remains unfinished. My dragon summoning mods all work but the AI packages bug out occasionally. Most of this… [Continue Reading]

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On the Species of Dragons

Dragons don’t exist. They probably never will. Yet people still argue about them and what they think dragons should look like. This argument is generally between four-legged, two-winged dragons and wyverns, with a lot of people saying that wyverns ‘aren’t true dragons’ or ‘are inferior to four-legged, two-winged dragons’ and other similar arguments. Well bollocks to that! Let’s get the bias out of the way first. I really like wyverns as a type of dragon. They can get away with being more elegant than your standard four-legged, two-winged dragon, despite the fact that they have trouble walking on land. Then… [Continue Reading]

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