The Humble Capture Mission

After a mediocre day, there is always one thing that cheers me up. Capture missions. Ideally Void Fissure ones. Even better if they’re Lith Fissures on Venus or Mars. There’s something about their simplicity that I truly enjoy. Capture missions are one of the easiest mission types in Warframe. You leap into the mission, leap through randomly picked tiles to get to the Capture Target, you attack the target until he or she falls down, then you stand over them and turn them into little cubes. After that, you’re free to do whatever you want. Most people will just head… [Continue Reading]

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Why I think you should give Dirty Bomb a chance

Dirty bomb is one of my favorite games, I love the diverse class options, different counter play mechanics, fast paced fire fights, and massive emphasis on team coordination that the game provides. However the game does not come without its flaws, those being a less than stellar payment model, and a small map selection. Of course Dirty Bomb is still in beta and new characters are being added regularly, if you haven’t played it for a while come back and see whats new. It’s free on steam and the rotation changes every 2 weeks. Anyway my reasons for writing this… [Continue Reading]

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