Aurora Trail

This game surprised me when I first saw it. I was snooping around to see if something interesting popped out, and Aurora Trail leaped up to me with its unique puzzle mechanic. In this game, you solve puzzles using your camera. If the background’s colour matches the colour of the body part that was before it, the body part will get vapourized. Thus, if you want to move around without literally losing your head, you need to make sure that you don’t put your head in front of anything glowing green. In the seven levels available, the camera is both… [Continue Reading]

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Get To The Orange Door

NOTE – This was the version of the demo I played upon writing the article but it’s now outdated and hence will look different from the modern demo if you try it! (I actually preferred the brighter visuals of the old one myself but it’s still the same solid game underneath!) Funnily enough, I found this game thanks to the developer commenting on the Team Fortress 2 Instant Uber exploit I was watching. I then looked up the game on Steam and to my near-fatal shock saw a “Download Demo” button. Don’t see many of those nowadays. I’d only seen… [Continue Reading]

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Grim Dragons – A 2D Dragon in a 3D World

Every so often, I’ll go to the search function on the Steam store and type in the word ‘dragon’ to see what comes up. Normally it’s the same old same old. Dragon’s Dogma. Skyrim. Dragon Age. Dragonball games. Far Cry 3 – Blood Dragon. Then there’s the stuff which is most likely good, but I don’t want to play. That Dragon, Cancer is probably absolutely amazing, but I’m trying to escape reality, not be reminded of it. Most games with the search term are either JRPGs, RPG games of some sort, or side-scrolling games. Assuming that you actually get to… [Continue Reading]

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