Fortuna Bounties and Ignoring the Orb Vallis

In order to level up with Fortuna, you need to do a lot of bounties. Just like Cetus, Fortuna’s boss Eudico directs us through various stages of a bounty, either sabotaging the Corpus or saving their own. It’s all very standard stuff, and the missions themselves are pretty easy. If anything, the hardest tasks are the assassination ones simply due to a lack of enemies. However, there’s another big problem with Fortuna bounties. Only the centre of the Orb Vallis exists apparently. If you grab a bounty from Eudico, all of the tasks will be in the same 2-3 areas.… [Continue Reading]

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5 Reasons Why I Don’t Think We Should Have More Open Worlds in Warframe

Last week’s Nightwave task included doing 5 different bounties in the Orb Vallis. At minimum, this meant doing the 5 bounties Eudico offers, although the Profit Taker heists also count. While the bounties aren’t particularly hard, they are… incredibly boring and simple. I somewhat mindlessly worked my way through the Nightwave task and then just moved on. Despite being a cool place to visit, I had little reason to stick around. And in all honesty, the same applies to the Plains of Eidolon. While these two areas are cool, I really don’t think we need any more. We’ll probably end… [Continue Reading]

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On the Personalities of Massive Robot Spider Things

So far there are two massive, four-legged spider robot things that are active and angry in the Orb Vallis. The Profit-Taker Orb spends most of her life hanging around the Enrichment Center in the center of the Vallis while the Exploiter Orb is much more active, roaming around the Temple of Profit with a small army of Coolant Raknoids. Both of these weird spider robot things though have personalities. Very different ones. The Profit-Taker Orb’s personality doesn’t really appear until you do the four heists that are tied to her destruction. Whenever you encounter her outside of the four heist… [Continue Reading]

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Tired of the Whiteness of the Orb Vallis

The more I think about it, the more and more tired of Fortuna and the Orb Vallis I become. There’s been something bothering me lately and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I’m going to start off with the fact that I love Fortuna. I love the aesthetic of it. I love almost all the characters you meet in Fortuna, apart from Little Duck. I bloody love the music and song tracks introduced alongside Fortuna and STILL find myself humming “We All Life Together” occasionally. The custom MOAs are cool, the Warframes that have come out of Fortuna… [Continue Reading]

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Servofishing is just fishing for robots. Because for some reason, the Orb Vallis doesn’t have any normal fish, it has a strange mixture of mechanical fish, a combination of boxy Corpus fish robots and smooth, sleek Orokin fish creatures that have been swimming in the coolant waters for hundreds of years and have suddenly been dragged out of the water so us Tenno can turn them into scrap. I’ve already brought up fishing, both on the Orb Vallis and on the Plains of Eidolon before, but lately my new favourite thing is to sit on my lazy yellow ass and… [Continue Reading]

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Early Thoughts on the Profit-Taker Fight

The second part of the Fortuna update has arrived and it’s a bit of a doozy. Sure, there’s a new Warframe and a new Prime Warframe and some very nice new weapons, but the main theme of the update is the Profit Taker Heist. This is the first of three vaguely raid-like sets of missions, in which you take down a massive spider creature. The first heist involves taking down the mountain-sized Profit Taker Orb, a Corpus creation made out of a mixture of Corpus and Sentient technology. Anyone who knows a little lore about Warframe will know that Sentient… [Continue Reading]

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Fishing and Mining and Capturing Small Animals in the Orb Vallis

With the Fortuna update, there are more minerals to mine, more gems to refine and more fish to, er, fish. There is also the whole capturing animals and sending them off to safety via miniature helicopters, but let’s talk about the more familiar things first. Mining got the biggest changes. The whole tracing minigame is gone, having beem replaced with a heating minigame. Basically, while zoomed in, you can click and hold M1 on the glowing circles of any ore vein and hold it until it’s in the white highlighted area. Sometimes the correct area moves around, sometimes it is… [Continue Reading]

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Most of the NPCs in Fortuna are basically cyborg Corpus slave variants of the NPCs found in Cetus. Eudico is the Konzu of Fortuna, Rude Zuud sells you kit guns in the same way that Hok sells you Zaw parts and there’s all the fishing and mining stuff that the Business and Smokefinger deal with as well. Little Duck is basically the same as Onkko, being Fortuna’s Quills representative. But frankly I don’t like her, since she insulted Excalibur Umbra, refusing to speak to him and wanting to speak to Space Kids only. Umbra has feelings, you know! There are… [Continue Reading]

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Archwing VS K-Drives?

It seems a silly question as to what’s better, Archwing or K-Drives. Both are basically infinite in their uses, but surely the answer is the K-Drive, the awesome hoverboard skateboard thing that’s rewarded to players for completing the Vox Solaris quest, which you can use to zip and zoom and trick your way across the Orb Vallis, right? Surely the K-Drive is better than that boring old Archwing? Well… yes and no. You see, there’s generally two states of mind when you’re playing in the Orb Vallis. You’re either wandering around or you’re doing bounties. One of those activities has… [Continue Reading]

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