Retvik’s Ridiculous Ramble on How To Fix Riven Mods

Simply put, Rivens are bad. They’re a horrible system of RNG. It’s pretty much impossible to get what you want. Not without either huge amounts of luck OR Platinum or, really, both. Rivens are simply random mods for random weapons, 80% of which are unwanted. And as for the other 20%? They fare no better, either getting nerfed later due to disposition or being borderline broken. Most of the time though, Rivens just suck. Luckily, I have a solution. Actually, I have two solutions. But we need to discuss the problems first! Alright, there are two problems here. The first… [Continue Reading]

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A Little Look At Pokemon Spawns Near My Home

I’ve been doing some… experimenting lately. I’ve actually been leaving my game open in Pokemon Go for long periods of time. Originally, I was just trying to hatch eggs. Using something called GPS Drift, your avatar in Pokemon Go will wander around, even if you don’t move. But this movement isn’t pointless. With enough patience, you can use it to hatch eggs! And, if you have really shoddy GPS, you can also get the 50km walking milestone. But as I had my game open, I noticed some things. Namely, how Pokemon spawn around me. I have one spawn at my… [Continue Reading]

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What the Fuck is up with Warframe’s Lore? Too Many Puppets!

Ugh, everyone in Warframe is a damn puppet. Almost literally everyone. Warframe’s lore is incredibly all over the place. However you look at it, it’s easy to miss some details. Most of the lore in Warframe is buried away, or hidden in little crevices. But no matter what, even if you are completely lost, you can assume that someone is a puppet to someone else. You are a puppet as soon as the game starts. In the very introduction to Warframe, the first thing you experience is Captain Vor sticking a device on you so he can control you. He… [Continue Reading]

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If I Could Completely Rework the Pyro…

I’ll be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of the Pyro. The reason why is simple: Pyro is a close range class in a game filled with mid-range characters. That and the fact that the flamethrower just feels off compared to almost all other weapons in the game. Everything else shoots bullets or projectiles. Everything else is pretty clear that it hit you or damaged you. Flamethrowers are not the same. You get stray bits of flame that hit you or don’t hit you. Pyro overall is a jumbled mess of things that needs yet another complete rework anyway. So… [Continue Reading]

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On the Hunger Meter in Minecraft and Why I Hate it

For modern players, the Hunger Meter is a staple of Minecraft. You need to keep yourself full of food, and you regenerate health when your hunger meter is full. To accommodate for this, there are tons of food items to farm or craft. From pork chops and chicken to berries, bread and honey, all the way to cake and pumpkin stew, there’s food for everyone. But for a long time, there was no hunger meter in Minecraft. It wasn’t always there. Funnily enough, Hunger only became a thing when Minecraft was just about to come out of beta. In Minecraft… [Continue Reading]

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5 Tiny Little Warframe Things I Forgot To Do

When you’re looking around scrounging for the last few scraps of mastery, you tend to look quite deeply. This often leads to things you might have missed out on. Like the Dera Vandal. But there’s also a bunch of other things I’ve actually forgotten to do too! Here’s a few things that are worth checking to see if you have done. Finish grinding Vent Kids Standing I’m only like rank 2 with the Vent Kids. But honestly, getting standing for the Vent Kids kinda sucks. There’s only one reliable option, and that’s to do races. But unlike affinity for K-Drives… [Continue Reading]

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Most of Pokemon GO’s Pandemic Changes Should Be Permanent

To Niantic’s credit, the developers of Pokemon Go have done quite a good job when it comes to a game that requires going outside. Many of Niantic’s changes have been great for everyone. Pandemic or otherwise, it’s been weird playing Pokemon Go indoors and enjoying it! But as some countries begin to open up again and things slowly and hopefully return to normal, some of these changes need to stay. Then again, it’d be fine if some of the changes went away. The question is, what is good, what is bad and what is too good to get rid of?… [Continue Reading]

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The Death of

Let’s Encrypt is, to quote its own website, “A nonprofit Certificate Authority providing TLS certificates to 200 million websites.” More importantly, Let’s Encrypt is a way of getting SSL/TLS for your website without paying money. A while back, Firefox and Chrome both started enforcing that websites needed SSL certificates. An SSL certificate, to explain it in very basic terms, encrypts the data that goes back and forth from user to website. But when I started looking for SSL certificates for my websites, I was shocked. Prices are all over the place. Anything from $7ish a year, up to about $60… [Continue Reading]

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A Ramble about the Second Generation of Bionicle

The original Bionicle saga ended in a bit of a mess. While it was all round a happy ending, with evil being defeated and the Matoran and Agori coming together to build a new society, there were a lot of loose ends. From a Toa-killing monster being set free, to the Toa having to work with the Glatorian… All the way to Lewa and company being missing and Kopaka and Pohatu being trapped in the mysterious Red Star… None of the original saga was truly finished. But rather than tie up these loose ends, we ended up getting something else.… [Continue Reading]

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How Would Corpus Kuva Liches Even Work?

As with everything in Warframe, we always get a Grineer version of a thing first, followed by a Corpus version. This has been the case for ages. For example, we got the Plains of Eidolon, which is Grineer, then later on we got Fortuna, which is Corpus. The same will happen with Railjack and, eventually, Kuva Liches. But how would Corpus Liches even work? At first, this seems like an easy question to answer. You just have randomly generated Corpus enemies, the same way you do for Grineer Liches. The process would be similar too. You have your Parazon, you… [Continue Reading]

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