On Being Able to Drive

I’ve just gotten back home from a trip. The drive varies, taking anywhere between an hour and a half to two hours. It’s certainly not a long drive, but it’s a long and rather boring journey. I’ve talked about the journey in the past and it’s not even that big a trip. For anyone from not-a-tiny-island, the journey is pretty damn insignificant. And it also says a lot about my attitude to driving. Which, admittedly, isn’t the best. I genuinely hate driving You’d think that the freedom of having a car would make me feel happy. But I don’t enjoy… [Continue Reading]

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An Awkward Bout of Writers’ Block

I’m not going to lie, things have been tough lately. Not in any particularly worrisome way, just, well, I feel out of sorts. A bit frustrated, very tired and all that sort of thing. When these emotions come along, the first thing that changes is my ability to write. Simply put, I have a massive case of Writers’ Block which I am struggling to escape from. No patience to write While I do have some free time, free time does not equal writing time. Free time can be spent on all sorts of things, like watching Youtube videos or attempting… [Continue Reading]

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I am sitting here, in front of my screen, trying to decide what I want to write about. There are many, many choices. Many of which will probably be about video games. After all, this IS a video game blog. However, today, I don’t fancy doing that. Instead, I am just reflecting on the other week and all the things that happened. Things were somewhat hectic, other things were simply bad. But at the end of the day, I am still here. That week though was a rather specifically bad week. Bad things kept on cropping up. I spent chunks… [Continue Reading]

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Railjack Endless Missions Are Boring

When it comes to Railjack Endless Missions, the whole idea is actually pretty new. Corpus Proxima missions were only added this year. However, with new nodes being added, like Corpus Survival, the Corpus Proxima areas just aren’t that fun. And, somehow, they also manage to make endless missions like Survival boring too. Your ship is just a taxi. In Railjack endless missions like Defense and Survival, your ship doesn’t matter at all. Sure, there’s probably some sort of side objective that needs doing, like blowing up a ship or something. But afterwards, you just park your ship near the Corpus… [Continue Reading]

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Balancing and Being Overpowered in a PvE Game

One argument that comes up a lot in PvE games is how do you balance them? After all, you’re fighting AI, so balance should be easier, right? After all, there’s no human players around to bother you. You can’t hurt the feelings of AI characters and NPCs. They’re not alive, so they don’t care how badly they get their asses kicked by us. A common argument is that it’s just PvE stuff, so balance doesn’t matter. We can be overpowered all we like, nothing can stop us. But in all honestly, this argument just doesn’t hold up. There needs to… [Continue Reading]

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Dear Person with the Buzz Saw

Dear person with the buzz saw, You probably won’t ever read this. After all, why would you? I’m just some random person who lives nearby, completely anonymous to you, writing a rant post on a website you’ve never heard of. And you, you’re a person with a buzz saw, happily doing some DIY. At least, I assume it’s a buzz saw. For all I know, it could be a chain saw. Or an angle grinder. Heck, it might even be some sort of sander. But I don’t know, I’ve never seen it. It belongs to you, someone who lives in… [Continue Reading]

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I Hate Lesser Wisps

As bad as I am at Risk of Rain 2, I can at least admit that the designs are mostly fair. The reason I’ve never unlocked an alternate skin is because I need to get better at the game. That’s fine. That’s all on me. And, to my credit, I am trying and I am getting a bit better. I managed to obliterate myself at an obelisk the other day. In fact, I’m also getting closer to beating Mythrix. Have still only beaten him once though. That being said, there’s one single enemy that I REALLY hate. The Lesser Wisp… [Continue Reading]

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Timed Research Needs Better Rewards

We’ve had a lot of events lately, pretty much one after the other. As of writing, we are in a Luminous Legends event. There was one for Xerneas and one for Yveltal. Both these events and the ones before them came with timed research. This research worked the same way as special research except it’s, well, timed. But despite the rush to complete them, the rewards are always… kinda lame. Let’s look at the Luminous Legends X event as an example. The only good rewards were at the end. Luminous Legends X was a longer event than normal. It ran… [Continue Reading]

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A Ramble About Adobe CC

The other day, on a whim, I decided to try out Adobe Creative Cloud. For a while now, all of Adobe’s products have been subscription-based, with a lot of cloud stuff going on. The idea is that it’s all online and you can access it anywhere. Also allows Adobe to offer advice every five seconds. I’ve considered trying out Adobe CC for a while, but I never got around to testing the free trial. So, uh, I tried the free trial. And I wasn’t impressed. First things first, the trial requires a card. You can’t get the free trial unless… [Continue Reading]

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My Problem With Mastery Locks on Weapons

The other day, I mentioned a low MR Volt, who had just begun his adventure. As we played with him, he asked a lot of questions. His biggest one was “where can I find a good AOE weapon for my MR?” That’s a genuinely great question, because Warframe has a LOT of enemies and you need a lot of them killed. Back then, at MR4, the only weapon we could really recommend was the Hek, since most explosive weapons unlock at MR5 or higher. Eventually, we gave the guy some suggestions, as well as a lot of probably unnecessary help.… [Continue Reading]

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