Rings (3) – A Review

Today, we’re going to talk about something slightly different. A movie. I actually watch quite a lot of movies but I don’t often review them because I forget to. Rings, or Rings 3 as it was marketed here in Cyprus, is an attempt to break that forgetfulness. But also because 1. I saw Rings on Valentines Day with my siblings and 2. there’s something off about the whole thing. Also the fricking subtitle “Evil Is Reborn” gives away the entire film. Nice one, marketing people. That being said, I’m going to try and avoid spoilers, but if you want to… [Continue Reading]

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The Respawnables – Mobile App Review

Last year I vacationed in Scotland with my family, and it was an awesome trip! I got to see so many amazing sights and take a break from all the routines I’d settled into, but some habits didn’t die easily. I confess I suffered minor withdrawal from not having any Team Fortress 2 to play for three whole weeks, especially when stuck in a hotel room after an exhausting day of hiking the highland countryside. Luckily I found a free-to-play cartoony mobile shooter called The Respawnables, and it scratched that itch until I was back in the states. As that title screen… [Continue Reading]

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The Third Jack Box Party

It was nearly a year ago that I wrote about a very fun game to play when drunk. Despite the fact that I don’t drink. Now, I’m not really a party person. I don’t get invited out anywhere unless a sibling or cousin invites me, mostly because I hate parties. But here I am, talking about another party game. This time round, it was my sister’s 20th birthday. She wanted everyone to play party games with her. Of course, brother comes along with his library of about twenty billion games, and drags out a game called the Jackbox Party Pack… [Continue Reading]

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Absolutely Drawful

I’ve always considered myself somewhat good at art. I can draw a stick figure, at least. I can also draw lots of other things if I put my mind to it, and really, the only things that hold me back are the fact that I only ever seem to draw on shitty paper with a biro and my own self loathing. Being good at drawing runs in the family… apart from my poor dad, who can’t really draw a stick figure. But none of that matters. Not when Drawful is around! Drawful is a game featured in the Jackbox Party… [Continue Reading]

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MeeM’s Thoughts on Voxel Hat Dimension Hopper

For those of you who don’t know – That’s FEZ. FEZ is a small game about a guy, called Gomez. He has a hat. More specifically, a fez. This covers the majority of the storyline. The rest of the storyline centres around the magical ability of this fez. It allows Gomez to visit unseen dimensions. Not quite a third dimension, but simply different perspectives of the same dimension. If you get what I mean. And if you don’t… you won’t. The thing about a FEZ is that (slightly less than) half of the game can be achieved solely through the application… [Continue Reading]

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Concrete Jungle

Concrete Jungle is a random game that I got from that Clickteam Fusion humble bundle that Aaby shilled out a couple weeks ago.  Its basically a puzzle game built around cards and deck building with a vague city building theme.  It’s fairly good, better than I thought it would be, and is currently the game with the most playtime out of the whole bundle.  Then again, half those games apparently don’t run on Windows 10, but that’s a rant for another time. CJ starts you off with a grid and a small deck of cards.  Each card is a building… [Continue Reading]

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Skyrim Special Edition – First Looks

Well, I’ve just spent ninety one minutes playing TESV Skyrim Special Edition. And now I’m going to tell you what it’s like. In that hour and a half, I did the whole cart ride, created my first new character, gone through the whole Helgen sequence and made my way to Whiterun. I stopped playing just inside Whiterun’s gates, having forgotten that I don’t have Open Cities installed. Currently, this is all unmodded. The first thing I notice is the new startup menu. There’s a distinct lack of addons on this menu. Otherwise it’s mostly the same. There’s several changes on… [Continue Reading]

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Thoughts on Scream Fortress VIII

This is going to be a short article. Why? Because Scream Fortress VIII (8 for those who can’t read Roman numerals) is short. There’s not a lot going on with it. It’s a continuation from last year. There is actually very little to talk about. Actually, to show just how little there is to talk about, the biggest criticism about Scream Fortress VIII so far has absolutely nothing to do with Scream Fortress, but with competitive matchmaking. Badlands and Granary were both removed from the competitive pool, and replaced with Turbine and Badwater, two maps that simply aren’t friendly with… [Continue Reading]

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Hellfire is a Mannpower map added during the Scream Fortress 2015 event. I may be writing this article on Hellfire, but I refuse to even play it because I find Mannpower stupid. For all I know it could be a great map for Mannpower, but that’s like saying “I bet nail clippers are the least painful way to snap your teeth“. I just genuinely cannot get into Mannpower in any way, shape, or form, and since Hellfire is the only map in the game that’s Mannpower-exclusive (the other maps all being remakes of pre-existing TF2 maps) it’s the one map in… [Continue Reading]

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Mortal Online

I originally heard of Mortal Online while doing research for my upcoming nude mod article because the game comes with full-frontal birthday suits as a toggleable option. However, that wasn’t the only reason I felt like giving it an actual try; I read that the game eschews character classes, instead using Skyrim-style leveling systems for your skills. As in, your abilities increase through actually using said ability, so you organically become the sort of character you want to play. The other selling point is a very unforgiving loot system; if you die or get murdered by another player, you lose everything you’re… [Continue Reading]

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