Neglect and Negotiations – Medic in Skyrim part 6

I’m still here in Skyrim, with an Elder Scroll and the blood of a dragon. It only took me an hour or so of walking to get this damn scroll (see last time round)  so let’s get on with this. From where I appear out in the wilderness, I find this place. Never known what it’s used for. I take a blessing of Talos and leave for the Throat of the World. I think. On my way there, I stumble across this jester, Cicero. Shrill voice aside, he needs help and the person in the mill nearby seems unwilling to… [Continue Reading]

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Medics and Monsters – Medic in Skyrim Part 2

Ah, I’m back in Tamriel, kicking ass as always! Last time I was just getting started. Today, I finish up finding a damn horn for some reason, and things are rainy and crappy. Anyway, off I go. Oh, and excuse the syringe gun poking out of my back, not to mention the ammo box. You gotta keep this stuff somewhere, right? So, I’ve entered this cave, and the first thing I spot is the large number of dead bodies. Sadly, there’s little I can harvest off them. I forgot my scalpel and my jars of preserving alcohol. Dammit. Although the… [Continue Reading]

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Where’s my Dragon Simulator?

When I’m not busy sticking syringes into Scouts and shoving modified fire hoses up people’s backsides, I like to think I’m a dragon. Dragons are such awesome creatures and because they don’t exist, anyone can imagine dragons to look however they want. Cool eh? A thread titled dragons on SPUF instantly grabbed my attention but left me disappointed. But one thing I have always felt this world lacks is a decent dragon simulator. There is currently a game called Dragon: The Game on Steam, but it’s so Early Access that it’s barely an alpha. And it costs €17. Fuck that.… [Continue Reading]

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