The 5 Most-Impactful Steam Trades in My Life

There’s something kinda nice about having all my years of gaming stored on Steam. For people like me who got into the scene late, I can pretty much track my entire life through my Steam history, traipse through old screenshots and reviews to see what I was into during those phases of my life. But at least personally, the tab with the most nostalgia is somewhat hidden away in a dusty corner of the inventory screen. Expanding the dropbar near “Trade Offers” lets you see an itemized list of everything you’ve ever done to alter your inventory across Steam’s many… [Continue Reading]

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5 Cheeky Ways of Obtaining Extra Loot in Warframe

Warframe, at its core, is a looter shooter. You farm for resources to build and upgrade all of your gear. But sometimes, you need a little bit of help and some extra loot, and are too afraid to ask. While the Warframe wiki can help with where you find resources, there’s actually a few ways to get what you need, in-game, with surprising ease. Today, we’re going to discuss five cheeky ways of obtaining more loot than normal. Follow and impress a MR25-30 player. When playing Warframe on public, you are thrown into a squad of players that are all… [Continue Reading]

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