My Thoughts on AI-Generated Art

I’ll be honest, AI-generated art is pretty cool. It makes some cool stuff. AI art can’t seem to do everything, it really depends on what AI generator you are using, what settings you use, what terminology you use to describe what you want and, more importantly, how much data there is about a thing. Despite that, AI art still has a lot of problems. It’s not the most accurate and the more obscure the request, the less accurate the result. AI art also still has massive issues with hands and feet, as well as extra limbs. Fingers are often contorted,… [Continue Reading]

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AI is overrated

Right now, AIs (specifically LLMs like ChatGPT) are a pretty big topic of discussion. Wherever you go, chances are, you‘re going to encounter the subject. So, naturally, I’ve developed my own opinions about these sorts of AIs that I’m going to share with you. Right now, statements like “AI is going revolutionize [Insert Thing Here]” are all too common. To be honest, I feel like the hype is pretty overblown, and there’s some ethical questions about AI most people weirdly just don’t seem to care about. For example, most big AIs, like ChatGPT, are trained using publicly available material from… [Continue Reading]

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Payday The Heist: AI Bots Explained

The bots in Payday: The Heist are designed to fill the role of an average if unremarkable teammate. They’ve got a number of behavioral quirks and coded advantages over humans, but that’s just to compensate for all the really basic stuff they can’t do at all. This guide will cover every possible difference I’ve found between the Payday: The Heist bots and their human counterparts. Statistics AI bots have 75 hitpoints that are constantly regenerating, turning them into pretty impressive bullet sponges so long as they aren’t standing out in the open taking suppressing fire from three different directions. When… [Continue Reading]

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An Ode to Ordis, for real

Ordis is a ship Cephalon and the AI controlling your home, the Orbiter, in Warframe. Damaged and slightly crazy, Ordis makes sure that everything is okay and refers to you as the Operator. He is the fourth being you’ll ever meet (after your Warframe, the Lotus and Captain Vor), and he’ll always be with you. Forever and ever. Because Ordis cares about you and will happily die for you if he has to. But not many people care about Ordis. His repeating lines, his bad humor, his error-induced puns, his violent outburts and that damn Grineer not-a-number witticism often drive… [Continue Reading]

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Ideas for Vs AI in Overwatch

“Versus AI” is one of the three main game modes available in Overwatch, coming with its own MMR, XP levels and stat-tracking page in your career profile. I usually play a single Vs AI match when I start up Overwatch for the day so I can warm up and grab that +1500 First Win of the Day bonus in a stressfree environment. I also had a roommate in Texas who was too intimidated by the thought of fighting other humans and so would play a lot of McCree and Mei versus AI. So for multiple reasons, it’s an appreciated game mode and… [Continue Reading]

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On Assortedness and AIs

Having nigh non-existent internet makes you ponder about things. It also infuriates you by teasing you with a possible internet connection, only to laugh in your face as it takes five minutes to load DuckDuckGo, and seven minutes to load Google. Loading the Daily SPUF to schedule and write articles has been a painful series of events. Seriously, this is what I have to contend with. A note to all future torturers out there. If you really want to get information from someone, lock them in a room with my bad internet connection. They’ll be begging for release within half… [Continue Reading]

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