Thoughts on Matchmaking

While I missed the first matchmaking stress test, I was awake and ready for the second one! Sorry EU fans, maybe one day Valve will haveĀ one at a time that’s not horrible for you guys. I don’t have enough to do commentary on 16 minutes of footage, so I’m just making an article. I loved how easy it was to queue up; just click the button and you’re off to the races. I played 6 matches and won 5 of them, so the players seem really competent for the most part. There were usually 2-3 people with mics on our… [Continue Reading]

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So, that TF2 update…

I said I would write about the February 29th update, so I am. Luckily there was also a March 1st update which I can also write about, although most of that was bug fixes and the un-fucking-up of CP_Foundry. The important matchmaking stuff that you’re all interested in is available in video form here. Go on, watch the video! The biggest thing to point out was a very random Matchmaking Stress Test that happened late on the 1st of March. People of all sorts of flavours could suddenly go and play matchmaking. Unfortunately (and typically) I managed to miss it,… [Continue Reading]

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I know I was supposed to make an article about yesterday’s update but…

I know, I know. I’m supposed to keep up with updates and things like that. Yesterday’s update was actually quite a big one in terms of number of things changed. Some for the better, some for the worse. Everyone’s all excited because it was an update in the early months of the year that wasn’t a couple of small lines and updating the localization files and all that, and because there’s matchmaking stuff hidden away in it all. The changes I do like? The map fixes are always good and the ability to trade the Steam Treasure Hunt hats is… [Continue Reading]

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Character Annihilation 8 – Flustered

You know what? I’ve neglected this series. And while I’ll probably never actually finish it, I’m not going to be a person who can’t take their cake and eat it (I fucking love cake), I’m going to prove that I’m the sort of person who can poke fun at themselves. Because I can. Also because I’m still holding off on posting those two Skyrim articles I wrote ages ago.   Medic growled as the nemesis emblem appeared over yet another person’s head. It was bad enough knowing she was shit at TF2, she didn’t need it rubbed in, especially from… [Continue Reading]

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