My Thoughts on AI-Generated Art

I’ll be honest, AI-generated art is pretty cool. It makes some cool stuff. AI art can’t seem to do everything, it really depends on what AI generator you are using, what settings you use, what terminology you use to describe what you want and, more importantly, how much data there is about a thing. Despite that, AI art still has a lot of problems. It’s not the most accurate and the more obscure the request, the less accurate the result. AI art also still has massive issues with hands and feet, as well as extra limbs. Fingers are often contorted,… [Continue Reading]

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My Perfect Albums

Some albums are perfect. While the word ‘perfect’ has different meanings between people, in my eyes, a perfect album is an album where I like every single track and rarely have to skip over one. I find myself enjoying every song and will happily listen to said album from beginning to end. That being said, there aren’t many albums I’d consider perfect. Here are the ones I think definitely are though. OK Computer OK Computer by Radiohead only just scrapes into this list. Mostly because of the track Fitter Happier. But personally, I quite like the track. It fits perfectly… [Continue Reading]

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An Article About Mog

The other day, while writing an article about my new cat in Sea of Thieves, I realized that I’d never written an article about my oldest pet. I’ve written a couple of articles about Ringo, my second pet, but one of them was to announce his passing, back in 2022. It turns out, I never discussed Mog, my first and oldest pet. Mog, also known as Captain Virgil Mogtastic, randomly turned up one sunny day when I was 20 years old, back when I lived in the middle of nowhere. He was a very small, very skinny cat with horrible… [Continue Reading]

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A Kitty in the Sea of Thieves

The other day, I finally gave in and bought a pet in Sea of Thieves. I’ve wanted a pet in Sea of Thieves for a long time, but I’ve been holding off for a long time, while i slowly earned enough Ancient Coins in order to be able to afford one. Ancient Coins in Sea of Thieves are the premium currency, and are actually pretty expensive, considering that the game itself is often €40. That being said, most people get Sea of Thieves for free or for cheap via the XBox Game Pass, so Microsoft and Rare have to make… [Continue Reading]

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On Trying To Get Back Into Drawing Again

I’ve been trying to get back into drawing again. Now I’m more settled down in my life, I have the ability to find my pens and pencils and actually sit down and draw stuff. But doing so has been more… frustrating than I’d like. I’m supposed to be actually good at art and things like that, but lately, I’m really just not feeling it. A small problem is, well, I’ve had to get new pens and pencils and sketch books. Most of my sketch books and pens seemingly disappeared during the move, and I never got around to getting new… [Continue Reading]

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Little Quality of Life Things I want in Sea of Thieves

Sea of Thieves actually has a lot of decent accessibility features. You can use text to speech, have subtitles and turn on a lot of useful little things, like holding or tapping to interact with objects. However, there’s always a few little things that I feel like Sea of Thieves needs, that are more gameplay-orientated. Markers for skeleton ship loot Skeleton and ghost fleets are both world events, and when you kill a ghost ship, you get a couple of wraiths circling where the loot drops. When you defeat a skeleton ship though, that loot just bobs up and down… [Continue Reading]

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On Giving Up Chocolate

Four weeks ago (three at the time of writing), I gave up chocolate entirely. Being diabetic, I didn’t eat much chocolate anyway, but I always kept some around the house in case of low blood sugar, and I would definitely treat myself to chocolate on the weekends. I also ate probably a bit too much sugar-free chocolate. However, I’ve given it up, and, honestly, things aren’t that bad. The reasons why I gave up chocolate are two-fold. Firstly, it’s bad for me. I shouldn’t be having any chocolate in the first place, and I do very much need to lose… [Continue Reading]

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Vision – The One Thing I Never Got About League of Legends

There are two things I’ve never really understood in League of Legends. The first is how to jungle efficiently. Jungling in League of Legends has changed a lot over the years, with different monsters and buffs and items, but I never learned how to farm properly and when the best time to gank, help a lane or whatever. The other thing I never understood was vision. Now, when I used to play League of Legends, I mostly played support. And support was generally in charge of applying vision to the map, as well as protecting the ADC and stopping them… [Continue Reading]

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Party Play Is Pretty Good Now

With the end of the Season of Adventures Abound, we got an event revolving around Adventures Abound’s biggest feature, Party Play. Party Play allows you to team up with up to three other trainers, see each other on the overworld, do research tasks together and take on bosses more easily than ever. The event, Party Up!, celebrated the feature and also brought back the new generation 9 Pokemon and the new shinies from the season. When Party Play originally came out, it was a bit underwhelming. Not only did it come with a bug which could delete all your saved… [Continue Reading]

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On Just Driving Around the City

In real life, I’m not really a fan of driving. I find it tedious and only drive because I have to. While it is nice to drive and listen to music, the cost of petrol is a large deterrent, and I don’t really like driving around for no reason. Now, in a video game? That’s not a problem. There’s no petrol to worry about, and I can listen to whatever I like. The game I normally do this in is Saints Row the Third. After I completed the main game, I spent a lot of time just driving around the… [Continue Reading]

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