Welcome to Kolasi – Twisted Palms

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. Kolasi, despite its name referring to a place of fire and brimstone, was only really slightly better than a non-existent afterlife. It was an abandon-world, meaning that most of the jungle-laced planet was free from civilization, and the megafauna was… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome to Kolasi – Planning A Trip

This week, instead of normal articles and for an April Fools joke, I’ll be sharing a new Phoviverse story arc, a story set in my fictional universe, with a bunch of nonsensical and definitely not human characters. Join a team of adventurers as they visit a strange jungle world to track down a dangerous beast. Read the original story here. The Great Dessaron Battle Arena was the main form of entertainment for the twelve intelligent races of this small, cozy universe, where people would watch, either in person or on live streams, gladiators fight against each other, with real blood… [Continue Reading]

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April Fools Day!

Okay so today is April Fools Day, but it’s also my birthday. Normally I’d do something stupid, make a stupid blog post about how my cat has taken over or something. Or maybe I’ll add a custom WordPress theme for a day or something. But no, I’m not doing that this year. I’m tired, I’ve been working hard and life is just all over the fucking place, so I’m going to just step back and take the day off. Luckily for me, here in Cyprus, April 1st is a national bank holiday, meaning I don’t have work and I can… [Continue Reading]

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A Strange Twist of Naming Fate

If there’s one difference between aabicus and I, it’s that we’ve had vastly different usernames. Aabicus has been aabicus for decades now. Meanwhile, I’ve jumped through a myriad of usernames. I started off being Phovos the Raptor, I shortened that name to Phovos, then, when I REALLY got into TF2, I started calling myself Medic. When I slowly stopped playing TF2 and after SPUF died, I moved away from that name and began to call myself Retvik, since my desired username, Arkay, wasn’t available. That was until I had a breakdown in December of 2023 and decided to start calling… [Continue Reading]

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Season 12 Will Be The Best Time To Get Into Sea of Thieves

Season 11 has been great at drawing players back, but the players it has brought back have been all over the place in skill levels, and we’ve had a lot of veteran players come back to kick the shit out of everyone else. The allure of shiny gold rings and new faction stuff does a lot, and since voyages are much more accessible now, on top of the ability to raid world events for unique loot, the chances of getting ganked are super high. Sure, Season 10 brought us Safer Seas, but that’s honestly just a glorified tutorial, only really… [Continue Reading]

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Season 11 Has Been Great

Season 11 of Sea of Thieves has been great. There, I said it. I’ve actually been meaning to do an overview of the season for a while, because, well, it’s actually pretty big. Season 11’s biggest change is how you get voyages. It used to be that you had to go to an outpost and buy a voyage to do, or go to one of the Tall Tale folks on the same outposts to start a Tall Tale. Now, all of that can be done on your ship, and for zero gold cost. You can also unlock and sail to… [Continue Reading]

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On Getting the Gold Curse

Curses in the Sea of Thieves are always hard to obtain. Apart from the Order of Souls Curse. That kinda only requires you to do one easy Tall Tale. The Ashen Curse isn’t much harder, although it does require you to do three different obstacle courses and repeat a timed escape thingy three times. However, there are three curses that are genuinely a pain in the ass to get. The Ghost and Skeleton Curses are rewards for reaching level 100 in the two PvP factions, but, if you are patient, you can slowly earn these without winning a single match.… [Continue Reading]

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New Pokemon In Eggs Suck

Another event, another singular new Pokemon and yet again, it’s a Pokemon in an egg. The last few new Pokemon have either been in raids or in eggs. Drampa was in raids, while Revaroom and Charcadet were both locked in eggs. But while new raid Pokemon aren’t too bad, when it comes to egg Pokemon, it is 100% luck. The thing is, you can actively hunt down a new Pokemon either in raids or in the wild. At the very least, finding your first wild new Pokemon is easy, because they have priority on the Nearby radar. Sure, with a… [Continue Reading]

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The Shores of Gold Are A Let Down

In my journey to do more of Sea of Thieves’ Tall Tales, I finally managed to start the Shroudbreaker Tall Tale, in which we take the cursed artifact we’ve been putting together in the previous Tall Tales and finally go to the Shores of Gold, the abandoned island hidden within the fog and the red sea, which destroys all ships that pass through it. The Shroudbreaker though allows us to pass through without harm, and we finally reach this mystical place. Except, well, it’s… kinda lame. There’s not even much gold. Even Captain Briggsy, in her journals, is disappointed at… [Continue Reading]

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Get Your Shadow Groudon

On Wednesday March 27th, we’ll be getting a new Team Rocket special research, in which we can save Shadow Groudon. Now, people around here might know that Groudon is one of my favourite Legendary Pokemon, and I’m desperate for a chance to add one to my collection. Shadow Groudon will definitely be a good Pokemon to have, since it not only does good damage, but it also isn’t a complete glass cannon, meaning it won’t die instantly. The same can’t be said for Shadow Darumaka/Darmanitan, which are also coming in the World of Wonders: Taken Over event starting on the… [Continue Reading]

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