Widowmaker Vs. TFClassic Sniper: Who Would Win?

So I was talking with a friend about hypothetical cross-franchise class matchups, in the vein of Scout vs Tracer, Medic vs Sona, Engineer vs Nuparu, Heavy vs Braum, and Pyro vs Toa Vakama. It’s a pretty popular concept on our blog and I realized we hadn’t covered one of the most obvious, that of TF2’s favorite Kiwi versus Overwatch‘s favorite cheesecake. But after ruminating on the idea, I had trouble even starting due to the nature of TF2 Sniper’s unlocks. Do I treat TF2 Sniper as his stock class (which means Widow wins easily) or as an amalgamation of his unlocks, which turns him into a horrifying combination… [Continue Reading]

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Malicious Multiplayer

Rainbow Six Siege is a game I picked up on the promise of tactical, slow-paced gameplay and then I sold it for lying. But I’ll save my quarrels with its gameplay for another time, because instead I wanted to focus on a few things that curse multiplayer titles in general, and Siege is the perfect scapegoat for demonstrating those points. So without further ado~ Player Visibility and Colour Simply put, a player should NEVER fade into the environment. They should pop against their background, but with more games leaning towards the duller, realistic washed out colour palettes, this becomes an… [Continue Reading]

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Okay, seriously, it’s not a bad game. But I don’t like it and (again) that title was too damn good to pass up. Think of this as an extension to Medic’s article except written by someone far less competent. I wanted to like Overwatch, really, I did. (Lower your damn pitchforks!) I tried the beta, which for some reason would cause my router to crash and freeze every time I launched it, forcing me to play it offline. Even when it was in a playable state in the free trial after the full game came out, I tried to ignore my… [Continue Reading]

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Battlefield and Me

I remember my first confrontation with the Battlefield series fondly. I was growing more curious of PC gaming and my big brother had recently set up his own rig with the help of a friend in his tiny, cramped room. As he booted it up he talked to me about a new game he’d bought and what it was like. I’d not heard anything like it, and console games of the time couldn’t hope to offer an experience on the scale of what PC titles were, especially with multiplayer. Then he launched the game saying I could play it… Seeing… [Continue Reading]

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A Random Thought on Lag

There are three things that drive the players of TF2 to near insanity and hopelessness. They are the butchered horse of weapons balance, the butchered and burned horse of random crits, and finally the unanimously accepted lag. Since everyone seems to have contributed something to the discussion of random crits and weapon balance it seems pointless to provide another rage consumed analysis of crits or another saddening analysis of weapon balance that shows (once again) that valve does not play their own game. Instead I will ramble on about another less common subject that only appears in discussions between performance… [Continue Reading]

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Why the Back Scatter may be best Scout weapon

Something has intrigued me. Simple put no one on the Daily SPUF has written a single article on The Back Scatter and the only time it is mentioned at all is as a passing reference in the article Stop saying I’m a good medic! Of course one may be inclined to say that “the Daily SPUF hasn’t posted content about many things” and “what makes the Back Scatter so special”. I will tell you what makes the Back Scatter so special and article-worthy. The Back Scatter sucks… like really sucks and The Daily SPUF has a penchant for writing about sucky things,… [Continue Reading]

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Why Is Symmetra in Support? – Overwatch

Update June 26 2018: This article is outdated due to today’s update While the TF2 community has come to accept that the official class role system has almost no basis in reality, Overwatch rolled out a very well-defined classification system that mostly makes sense. Tanky characters are tanks, healing characters are in support, ranged DPS are in offense, and area denial are in Defense. Except So many people can’t fathom why Symmetra is in Support. She’s the only support character who doesn’t heal, and her turrets are very obvious area denial. She seems like a slam dunk for the Defense category, and… [Continue Reading]

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MeeMs Thoughts On The Balance Of Power

After the recent update (Or if you’re reading this in the future the MyM update) many of us are left questioning two things. Firstly, what the hell are the TF team doing and secondly, do they actually play this game? Well from recent discussions it seems pretty clear that Valve would likely try to break down weapon stats into more logical data. So to begin with we must query what actually makes a weapon. For most weapons in TF2 we can split it up into it’s effective range and its DPS. If we look at a simple example say… the… [Continue Reading]

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Mirror’s Edge and Me

When I first saw Mirror’s Edge I thought it looked incredible. I downloaded and played the demo on the 360 repeatedly and it was mind-blowing to me to see and play something so fresh. Then eventually through the sweet, sweet nectar to a high school student that is birthday money, I bought the full game. And I loved every moment of it… Except for some bits, BUT FOR THE MOST PART I loved it! The clean and stylish aesthetics, the focus on momentum and flow, no HUD, no screen clutter. Just you, your ability as a Runner and the world… [Continue Reading]

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New PASS Time updates!

The recent update is finally live, and there are so many new changes I don’t even know where to start! So for lack of better ideas, I decided to begin with PASS Time, in part because I know it’s not super popular, and I want to encourage people again to try it out. It’s really really not a bad mode, certainly it’s better than capture-the-flag, and the new update pushed a lot of very cool changes I can totally get behind. One of the major problems affecting PASS Time was the extreme emphasis it placed on a single player. Whoever… [Continue Reading]

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