Loved For What You Are: It’s Okay To Be Situational

It seems to me that many people are of the opinion  that certain pieces of weaponry in Team Fortress 2 are underpowered or useless by the nature of not being optimal at all times.  If something is generally going to serve you better than all the other options available, why would you ever bother to use the alternatives?  Is it really worth it to attempt to engineer a situation where your situational alternative will potentially outperform the typical best choice? I would argue that yes, it is, and my reasoning is as follows: First of all, there are many times where… [Continue Reading]

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Dekky’s introduction to Astrophysics

If you’ve listened to Episode 2 of The PhlogistiCast, you may have noticed the distinct lack of a warning label reading ‘May contain incorrect physics and positive statements about Scout.’ Since we recorded it live, mistakes were bound to happen. A couple of things slipped through the Net of Correction and, being the studious straight-A nerd I am, I couldn’t sleep until I laid them to rest. By the way, if you haven’t listened to that episode, here is a link so you no longer have to wear a bag of shame. With the recent beta release of rd_asteroid, the… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 weapons vs Fallout weapons Part 2: The destructive powers of jars of urine verses dismembered mutated body parts

Howdy partner! Part one is that way! Otherwise, continue on the road to Madness.    #5. Sasha vs K9000 cyberdog gun What does a person look for in a weapon? Firepower? Good looks? Being fear inducing? Being financially viable? How about companionship? Yes, the wiseman knows that during the periods of time he isn’t killing foes, it can get lonely. Medic isn’t nearby, your companion is stuck in that doorway again, so who will listen to your terrible poetry? Well at least you have your gun… Now just take Occam’s razor to this situation and POW! A new friend who will… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 weapons vs Fallout weapons Part 1: Guns that make holes in people

Team Fortress 2 and the Fallout series are both well known for having a dizzying selection of firepower to command, and while the choice can be overwhelming, there is a gun to suit all manners of tastes. Yet the universal truth is no two weapons are created equal. To answer the ultimate question of which game has the better quality of create-dead-people-emitters, I will examine 18 weapons from both the TF2 and Fallout universes. There will be 9 comparisons; 1 for each TF2 class. Some quick rules for fairness; All Fallout weapons will be assumed to be fully upgraded and… [Continue Reading]

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Write Some Moar! 2 : The Announcement

You’re the new one, right? Alright, I’ll fill you in on what’s going on, but time is money and money is good, so don’t waste too much of it on questions. I’m Argeon, pretty big guy up in Sydney, but I’m not gonna tough-guy on you – we got business to do. Our writer, Atticus, is having a writer’s block, but we need to release new fiction here for our Australian readers. We managed to get you and the dozens of other applicants typewriters for the occasion. I don’t want to scare you off, but it is in every sense… [Continue Reading]

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