I Miss Old Io

Io was always one of my favourite defense maps. Most people tended to flock to Hydron or Selene for their experience gains, but Io was always the cooler map. I say ‘was’, since Io is now a completely different location. One that isn’t nearly as cool or anything. Thanks to the large Jupiter update, one of my favourite maps is no more. “But Medic, the Jupiter update was ages ago!” You’re completely right. In fact, most Corpus tile sets aside from Europa and the ground icy missions have been upgraded. But it’s taken a while to sink in just how… [Continue Reading]

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The New Corpus Ship Tileset

The biggest part of the Deadlock Protocol update was a complete remodeling of the Corpus ship tileset. Corpus ships are the oldest maps in the game, to the point that literally every mission was originally on a Corpus ship. Even Grineer missions. Clearly, something so obviously old needed a do-over. So the Corpus tileset was remastered completely and utterly, while also providing more of a look into Corpus lore. And, of course, being a new, shiny thing, I have a lot of comments about it. Speaking of which, it’s all very shiny. Almost… too shiny. Very, very grandiose. These ships… [Continue Reading]

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The New Jackal Boss Fight Is Boring

As part of the Corpus remaster, we got an unexpected boss rework. While you’d expect that the Sergeant, bless his heart, would be the target, you’d be wrong. In fact, our boss remaster goes to the Jackal. The Jackal was always a simple boss fight. It consisted of shooting the Jackal and not getting blown up by rockets. Since it was the first boss fight in the game after Captain Vor, it was worth redoing, right? Eh, I dunno. The new fight is just as simple. Okay, so, after a fancy cinematic in which a small MOA needlessly dies, you’re… [Continue Reading]

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The Deadlock Protocol Quest Is Pretty Fun

We haven’t had a decent Warframe quest in ages. The last ones we got were for Revenant and Excalibur Umbra, but they weren’t exactly… amazing, fun Warframe quests. Excalibur Umbra in the Sacrifice is more of a continuation of the War Within and involves a lot of the Operator. Revenant’s quest is barely a quest. But The Deadlock Protocol feels like a return to the old Warframe quest days, with the polish of modern, shiny Warframe. The Deadlock Protocol is Sands of Inaros, but for the modern era. It’s also a pretty fun quest. Also, spoilers ahead! Go play the… [Continue Reading]

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How Would Corpus Kuva Liches Even Work?

As with everything in Warframe, we always get a Grineer version of a thing first, followed by a Corpus version. This has been the case for ages. For example, we got the Plains of Eidolon, which is Grineer, then later on we got Fortuna, which is Corpus. The same will happen with Railjack and, eventually, Kuva Liches. But how would Corpus Liches even work? At first, this seems like an easy question to answer. You just have randomly generated Corpus enemies, the same way you do for Grineer Liches. The process would be similar too. You have your Parazon, you… [Continue Reading]

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Rambling About the Corpus

The Corpus aren’t treated fairly in Warframe. Most of the time they’re simply set to one side. Most of the time, we have to deal with pissed off Grineer. The Natah quest featured Grineer. The War Within featured Grineer. The Silver Grove, Chains of Harrow, the Plains of Eidolon, the Sands of Inaros and even the shitty quest that is the Limbo Theorem are all Grineer places. What is Corpus-orientated? The Glast Gambit. And that quest was worse than the Limbo Theorem. The best Corpus thing we got lately was the Corpra Tennogen skin for Excalibur, the Supra Vandal, the… [Continue Reading]

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Terror in the Locker Room

The Crewman could hear lockers opening. He had finished his shift and was going to head down to the canteen for lunch. He needed to drop off his weapon and change out of his suit. Someone else was in there though, clanging and banging around. Rather than just barge in, the Crewman decided to sneak in and see what was going on. As he peered around the corner, the Crewman felt a tingle in the air. Like miniature electric shocks. There was a Warframe in the locker room. A brightly coloured one. A weird cape around its backside, rings around… [Continue Reading]

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Grineer VS Corpus VS Everyone Else

While playing Warframe, you’ll encounter a lot of these guys. The cloned, scrappy, heavily-weaponized Grineer and the shiny, money-loving, robot-abusing Corpus. There’s the Infested and the Orokin/Void as well, but they’re… not really the main threats right now. The Corpus and the Grineer are the ones already controlling huge swathes of the Origin System (i.e. our solar system), and they’re really the ones who have the most say when it comes to, well, existence. Let’s start off with the Grineer. We know way more about these guys than we do the Corpus. The Grineer are the first people who find… [Continue Reading]

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