D&D 5e: How to Build an Effective Naked Character

Okay, you don’t literally have to be naked, but this article is about unarmored builds and how to craft one that doesn’t sacrifice effectiveness or survivability. I always find myself gravitating to unarmored characters because it fits my personal fantasy of a heroic protagonist. From shirtless barbarians to suit-wearing badasses to unlucky everyman survivors… Fiction is filled with characters who take on the world without a shred of protection beyond their skills and smarts. But unfortunately, D&D’s primary form of AC is equipping armor (heck, the acronym literally means ‘Armor Class.’) Which means you need to keep some things in mind… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: Why Every Druid Should Have a Familiar

In D&D 5e, familiars are normally a wizard/warlock-only thing. You get one through the 1st-level “Find Familiar” spell, which nevertheless behaves pretty differently from most spells. Back in the day, the only way for other classes to obtain a familiar was through specific feats. This was how my druid obtained one, but there’s a new way as well. Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything introduced the “Wild Companion” alternate class feature, which every druid gets for free: First, I’d like to discuss why I consider familiars one of the best choices you can make in your personal build. Then, let’s go over the… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: 5 Ways to Fly as a Low-Level Druid

Druid’s Wildshape doesn’t strictly allow you to fly before level 8. And none of the loopholes on this list are going to be as free, versatile, and efficient as that landmark. But as I detailed before, Wildshape is so multi-faceted a mechanic that there are ways to get yourself in the air if that’s what you’re hoping for. Today we’re covering some edge cases for low-level druids looking wistfully at the sky! Caveat: Get permission from your GM before attempting any of these tricks. Every campaign is different, and many of these won’t fit the aesthetic of an ultra-serious storyline.… [Continue Reading]

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On Being A Dungeon Master

So, after a long, long time of just being a basic player, I finally got the chance to be a dungeon master and run my own little campaign. I played with my normal group of players and we did a couple of small sessions, all loosely based on the world of Skyrim. And it was a HUGE amount of fun! To the point that I’m a little bit too excited to do it again. It really is like herding cats though. Well, in my case, it was literally herding cats. I’m leading a group of definitely not Khajiit through various… [Continue Reading]

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Not Dawnguard – Some Sort of Strange Bunch of Dungeons and Dragons-related Words

For some reason I decided to write up a really stupid campaign based on how Dawnguard, the DLC for Skyrim, should have gone. Considering I’ll probably never actually be a dungeon master and be able to do a campaign, I’m going to dump this wall of text for you, a whole one-off campaign with maps but only suggested enemies, for you to play if you want to. It’s all free to use because it’s an obvious parody and isn’t even very long. I’ve also gone and made a bunch of maps for this campaign, which you can download by clicking… [Continue Reading]

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An Elf, a Dwarf, a Kitsune and Literal Insanity

I’m going to be honest and blunt here, I should have started playing Dungeons and Dragons years ago. Or Pathfinder, which is DnD 3.5 and still very nice. Or just roleplaying table top games like this in general. It’s fun as heck. And, with the right person leading your games, it can all lead to literal insanity. My first character is Rhyn’Go AmWoluff. Rhyn’Go was originally going to be a Catfolk Druid with a cat familiar based on my real life pet cat Ringo, but I just didn’t have the right stats for it. So Rhyn’Go became a Kitsune Druid… [Continue Reading]

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Neverwinter – an MMO Based on D&D

One of the problems with having siblings is that, even as you reach adulthood, you never know what to play. You need a game that pleases everyone. When there’s three of you plus one extra person, it’s even harder. For example, two of you might want to play Overwatch while the other two want to play Team Fortress 2. Or maybe three of you play Warframe but one of you flat out refuses to touch it ever again. Perhaps you could all play Borderlands 2 but everyone’s sick of that damn intro area. Someone might suggest a new game and… [Continue Reading]

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The Lords of Brewer’s Grove – A Pathfinder Campaign

Hi, there! I’m the temp writer and sibling of the almighty blog overlord; you can call me Skully. I’m currently running a 5th edition Pathfinder campaign with Medic, our brother and my boyfriend and I’m going to share a rough synopsis of our current predicament. First of all, let me introduce everyone. Medic is playing Rhyn’Go AmWoluff, a timid but spiritual Kitsune Druid with a wolf companion named Floof Greymayne. While she may be rather quiet and new to roleplaying, her character is quickly blooming. Our brother is the valiant Dwarf Barbarian who goes by the name SkullDave IronClaw; a… [Continue Reading]

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