Rest in Peace Fortuna 69

Super edit: Turns out the DEvelopers heard our cries and brought back Fortuna 69! Now we can all be nice together again! Super edit 2: Fortuna 69 is down once more, thanks to bad timing on a Angels of the Zariman hotfix. This applies to both pre-New War and post-New War Fortuna 69 relays. Unfortunately, it seems like the Saint of Altra update claimed a victim and it wasn’t Volt or Zephyr being overtaken by Gauss. The Fortuna 69 instance, which had been kept alive since Fortuna was released back in October last year, failed to survive the update. Due… [Continue Reading]

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How to Level Up Quickly With Solaris United

Grinding for Standing to level up with various Syndicates can feel boring and repetitive and often feel that it’s not worth it. That’s because the Syndicate grind IS boring and repetitive. The only way it isn’t boring and repetitive is to be an older player who has a massive backlog of Syndicate Medallions for the 6 angry Syndicates and a ton of spare resources for Solaris United, Vox Solaris and the Quills, in the form of Debt Bonds, Toroids and Sentient Cores. Sure, sure, you can spend all your life fishing and mining, mainly for Cetus and Solaris United, but… [Continue Reading]

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The Weirdness of Vox Solaris

A lot of things in Fortuna and the Orb Vallis are very similar to things in Cetus and the Plains of Eidolon. Really, the biggest differences are that Fortuna has its own skateboarding syndicate and that there isn’t a boss that wanders around – you have to go into a specific instance to fight the Orb Vallis bosses. When it comes to Syndicates, Vox Solaris is pretty damn similar to the Quills, but it feels out of place. Quill Onkko’s little base is very hidden away, somewhat off the beaten track. It’s not even accessible until you’ve finished the War… [Continue Reading]

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Tired of the Whiteness of the Orb Vallis

The more I think about it, the more and more tired of Fortuna and the Orb Vallis I become. There’s been something bothering me lately and I can’t quite put my finger on it. I’m going to start off with the fact that I love Fortuna. I love the aesthetic of it. I love almost all the characters you meet in Fortuna, apart from Little Duck. I bloody love the music and song tracks introduced alongside Fortuna and STILL find myself humming “We All Life Together” occasionally. The custom MOAs are cool, the Warframes that have come out of Fortuna… [Continue Reading]

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The Orb Vallis is Probably a Bit Too Hard for Newbies

Fortuna and the Orb Vallis are currently where the action is at. That’s where all the big, new shiny things are right now. Garuda was there, Baruuk and the Profit-Taker Orb are there and now Hildryn, an Operation, a second Orb and a mystery are all out there on the Orb Vallis. But the Orb Vallis is a very hard place to visit if you’re a newbie. The Orb Vallis isn’t hard the way the Plains of Eidolon are. If you’re a newbie visiting the Plains, as long as you stay near the main entrance to Cetus, the enemies remain… [Continue Reading]

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Little Duck

I don’t like Little Duck. There, I said it. Unpopular opinion but I think she’s not a good character. She’s a bitch, and one who could potentially get a lot of people killed. Normally, I like ducks. Ducks are cute, except when it’s mating season. They sit in water, quacking harmlessly, chasing kids that feed them bread. Rubber ducks are even better. More floating, less being horrific monsters when it comes to breeding. Little Duck though isn’t a duck at all. She works alongside Vox Solaris, helping you defeat the Orb Mothers of the Orb Vallis. Our first introduction to… [Continue Reading]

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Thoughts on an Infested Open World Area

When you look at the Plains of Eidolon and the Orb Vallis, one can’t help and think “what’s next?” Logically, if you look at what the Plains of Eidolon and the Orb Vallis are themed around, you’d probably think that an Infested-themed open world area would come next. But will it? I’m not so sure. I mean, it makes sense that an Infested open world would come next. After all, we have a Corpus area and a Grineer area, and the Infested are the other major faction. The other factions, the Orokin and the Sentients, tend to command everyone else… [Continue Reading]

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Fortuna and the Orb Vallis So Far

It’s been… a while since Fortuna released. Has the hype died down? Probably not. Is everyone still singing “We all lift together?” Oh yes. Is Fortuna 69 still alive? Totally. Is there anything special going on in Fortuna? Not really. So what HAS been going on in Fortuna and the Orb Vallis? Honestly? Not that much. There have been two major Fortuna updates so far. The initial update and the first Heist update in which we took on the Profit-Taker Orb. MOA companions and Kitguns were introduced, as were K-Drives and two whole new Warframes, as well as some nice… [Continue Reading]

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Servofishing is just fishing for robots. Because for some reason, the Orb Vallis doesn’t have any normal fish, it has a strange mixture of mechanical fish, a combination of boxy Corpus fish robots and smooth, sleek Orokin fish creatures that have been swimming in the coolant waters for hundreds of years and have suddenly been dragged out of the water so us Tenno can turn them into scrap. I’ve already brought up fishing, both on the Orb Vallis and on the Plains of Eidolon before, but lately my new favourite thing is to sit on my lazy yellow ass and… [Continue Reading]

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Eidolons and Spidolons

After the Fortuna 2.0 update, there are now two massive bosses you can fight. They both have the same basic idea, being composed of adapting Sentient parts, requiring a little team work at first and being immune to various sorts of damage. In fact, the Orbs are actually made from bits of sentient stuff, hence why they’ve got the nickname Spidolons. But the two fights are very, very different. And not always in a good way. Let’s have a quick recap of how an Eidolon fight and how a Profit-Taker Orb fight works. Eidolon fights require you to take down… [Continue Reading]

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