5 More Places to Farm Affinity and Experience in Warframe

While I’ve talked about the best Affinity and experience farms in Warframe before, it’s always good to have options. After all, there is only so much time you can spend on Hydron. Sometimes you just need a break, a chance to do something different. We have so many items in Warframe to level up. The grind is now bigger than ever, especially since we have a ton of new 5-forma-required weapons. Here are some slightly less effective but still good Affinity farms, in cause you get bored. Spy Missions For low level players, places like Hydron and Railjack might seem… [Continue Reading]

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Several Easy Warframe Weapons that will get you through the entire Star Chart

It’s hard to choose weapons in Warframe. Even early on, there are so many options available to you. But with so many choices, and even more as you level up, it’s hard to know what weapons are genuinely good, and which ones suck. Luckily, I have created a list of a handful of weapons you can use, based on my own personal experience. Lex At a price of 50,000 credits, the Lex seems expensive, but it’s worth the price. This little MR3 hand cannon will do wonders for you. Not only does it deal pretty good damage, but the Lex… [Continue Reading]

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The Best Ways to get Experience in Pokemon GO

The grind for experience in Pokemon GO is absolutely huge. Each level costs more and more experience. In fact, the grind from level 1 to level 35 is about the same as the grind from level 36 to level 39. Level 40 and onwards, you need HUGE amounts of experience, to the point that only the most dedicated players will ever reach level 50. Thankfully, there are some ways to get large chunks of experience. It’s a very slow journey that requires a lot of dedication. But with these tips, you should be able to get EXP a little more… [Continue Reading]

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A Cheap Coward’s Guide to the Steel Path

The Steel Path can seem intimidating. All enemies are over level 100, and they’re all heavily armoured. The Corpus have tons of shields and the Infested are… Well, actually, the Infested are fine, as long as there are no Swarm Mutalist Moas around. Because they give the Infested tons of armour. Either way, the Steel Path is not a place for casual players. However, you don’t need to spend forever formaing your gear and making super OP ultra umbral forma builds. In fact, you can get through the Steel Path very cheaply. But only if you are patient. Can’t hit… [Continue Reading]

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The Three Best Void Fissure Missions You Should Always Try to Do

Not gonna lie, I open a lot of relics. To the point that I get low on Axi relics. Void fissures are a great, rather mindless pass time for me. Not only am I getting some sort of loot out of all these relics, but I can also get Forma or occasionally things that sell for a lot of plat. You don’t even need to join pre-made squads, you can often get random gold parts just by chance. That being said, not all Void Fissures are made equally. Some are way better or worse than others. Today, we’re going to… [Continue Reading]

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Soloing Orokin Vaults

Orokin Vaults are an old, old part of Warframe. They’re the only place to get Corrupted Mods, which have both a negative and a positive. However, these vaults aren’t just old, they’re archaic as well. And it was only with the appearance of Deimos that they became far more accessible. What’s more important though is that these Orokin Vaults are easier to solo than ever. You don’t actually need to solo them though. I should probably start by pointing out that Deimos has normal matchmaking. Back when the Orokin Derelect was the home to Lephantis, you needed keys to access… [Continue Reading]

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The Best Affinity Farms and XP Grinds in Warframe

Warframe is a game about grinding. Sure, there’s a small part of it that’s about skateboard grinding. But most of this game is about leveling up new gear. Not just the titular Warframes themselves, but guns and pets and swords as well. And amps, Archwings, Necramechs… The list goes on. In fact, there’s over 800 items that can be leveled up! And after a while, you kinda get tired of leveling things up. Luckily, there are some hot spots where you can level things up more quickly. The Obvious: Sedna’s Hydron and Saturn’s Helene There’s very little that can beat… [Continue Reading]

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The Importance of Ranking Up Serration and Hornet Strike and why you are probably dealing no damage in Warframe

The other day, I was browsing through Region Chat when I saw a message. Someone wanted help with a particular mission. I looked up the mission in question, Carpo on Jupiter. At first, I though it was either the spy or rescue missions. Jupiter’s new-ness makes it so these missions are harder than they should be compared to previous planets. But no, Carpo is an exterminate. Of course, I offered to help. This was a MR5 Rhino after all, and Jupiter is a hard planet. After we finished the mission, I asked him to show me his mod config for… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Warframe Tier List for Lazy People

It’s genuinely hard to make a Warframe tier list. There’s so many ways you can categorize Warframes! Do you categorize them based on how much damage they can do? How many enemies they can kill? What enemies? What level of enemies? How about missions? Is a Warframe bad because it can’t survive 3 hours in a survival mission? Or is it just not suited for the job? So many questions, so many tier lists. Which is where I come in. This tier list is simple: How much bang do you get for your buck? What Warframes require the least amount… [Continue Reading]

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5 Heists For Farming Easy Cash in Payday 2

I’ve gotten a few requests over the years to make a sequel to my “5 Heists that Give Easy XP” video, except regarding cash. But for the most part, I haven’t felt the need to actually do so, since the game pretty much drowns you in dollars no matter what you do, and you should be sitting comfortably after completing a few heists of any length or difficulty, so my main advice is to just play what you want and don’t worry about it. But I guess if you have an academic curiosity, or a minmaxing fetish, here are 5… [Continue Reading]

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