A Biased Guide on What to Subsume and Use with Helminth

I’m pretty biased when it comes to the Helminth system. When it comes to the surface idea, I think the Helminth system is great. But when you look more deeply at it, you can tell that it’s all a mess. The costs are arbitrary and all over the place, the abilities chosen are weird, some have been arbitrarily nerfed. And, of course, there was the Marked for Death ability that made Ash good for about five seconds. That being said, I’ve been playing around a little with the Helminth system, and I’ve come up with a very simple, very biased… [Continue Reading]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Shoutcasting

I’ve been amateur shoutcasting for 3 years, and I recently got voted by League Zero to cast the grand finals, but I’ve also never peaked beyond low gold in my game of choice. So don’t worry about your in-game talent level, you’re fine! Shoutcasting has almost a completely different skillset from actual playing (just like how most chess commentators aren’t grandmasters) so don’t feel discouraged about your own personal heights. (This goes for other possible esport positions as well, there are tons of options other than playing for breaking in!) If you’ve ever watched a shoutcast and thought it would… [Continue Reading]

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How To Solo Gian Point and Other Railjack Missions

One of the larger grinds in Warframe is getting to level 10 in all four Intrinsics schools. The amount of intrinsics required doubles with every level, with level 10 requiring 512 intrinsics. While this seems like a massively daunting task, it is doable, just very slow. Over the recent Double Affinity weekend, I spent a lot of time playing Railjack to get those last few levels. But in doing so, I found that I had to regularly play on my own. This meant setting up my ship to be able to do everything myself. At the end of the double… [Continue Reading]

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A Handy Guide to Every Baro Ki’Teer Ever – What Should You Buy from Baro?

Baro Ki’Teer is a snobbish bastard from Mars who visits one of the Tenno relays every 2 weeks. Each time he comes, he’ll appear on a Friday and disappear on Sunday. Baro Ki’Teer will bring various “treasures from the Void”, all of which require Ducats and lots of credits to purchase. Now, as a new player, or even as an old player, it can be difficult to decide what to buy. Luckily, you are currently reading a guide which should help you make the right decision! Before you buy Before you do anything though, you need credits and ducats. Credits… [Continue Reading]

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Warlock’s Compact Exploration Hut

There are three games that I hold in extremely high regard. As games go, they are my Big 3. Team Fortress 2 is one of them. Ōkami is another. The last one, which I have never once talked about before until now, is Minecraft. I stopped playing Minecraft for a fair bit until the end of last year, and dropped right into 1.14 after stopping at 1.6.4 a couple of years ago. Not that I stopped playing by the time 1.7.2 rolled out, I just stubbornly stuck to 1.6.4 for quite a while. It was a newer and richer world… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Ridiculous Guide to Rolling and Selling Rivens 2020 Edition

Riven mods are strange, multifaceted mods designed by Cephalon Samodeus (an otherwise unknown Cephalon), designed to fit into a single weapon and capable of having the mod’s stats rerolled by pumping thousands upon thousands of tons of Kuva into said mods. Riven mods are easily traded and can be incredibly valuable if you get very lucky. Alternatively they can just take up space in your Mod list, eventually accumulating to the point where you have to sell them or you can’t do Sorties any more. They also have the ability to make your favourite guns even better, despite their randomness… [Continue Reading]

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5 Pokemon You Should Be Collecting and Getting Ready To Evolve for December’s Community Day Weekend

just like December 2018, December 2019’s Community Day in Pokemon Go won’t feature one Pokemon but will in fact reprise all the Pokemon featured in community days this year, everything from the almighty Swinub to the honestly completely useless Slakoth family. But at the same time, from 9am until 9pm on the 14th and 15th of December, you’ll be able to evolve any Pokemon from a previous Community Day to get its special Community Day Exclusive Move. But with 22 Pokemon with exclusive moves, which Pokemon should you prioritize? Well, here’s a handy list for you all. 1. Meteor Mash… [Continue Reading]

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On Trying To Make A Super Noobie Modding Guide

It sounds like a rather ‘meta’ move to write an article discussing the writing of another article which I haven’t finished and published yet, but I feel like there’s something wrong here. Something I can’t quite comprehend. And maybe if I write an article about how I can’t write an article, I’ll get it off my chest or something and will finally be able to write said article. Anyway, this article is about a modding guide I wanted to make. The idea was to make as simple a modding guide as possible for Warframe, so that newbies aren’t reaching Ceres… [Continue Reading]

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Excalibur, Volt, Mag – Which Starter Should You Pick?

You’ve finally downloaded that weird space ninja game everyone’s talking about. You’ve installed like 40GB’s worth of stuff. You’ve made an account and you’re finally getting into the game. Immediately, you’re forced to make a choice. Which starter character should you pick? There’s fancy sword guy, fancy electric guy and fancy magnetic girl. You have no idea what’s going on, you don’t know anything yet. This is a big decision that can impact your enjoyment of this game. What do you do? Heck, you might have already picked a character and might be wondering whether you’ve chosen wrong or something!… [Continue Reading]

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The Long, Tedious Grind Towards Using Archwing Guns on Ground Missions

Arch-guns, Archwing Guns are pretty cool. They’re massive, heavy weapons that you summon from your ship and use to murder all your enemies. These weapons were originally only really usable in the vast wastes of space, where the lack of gravity means they are light enough to use. But with a Gravimag and an Orokin Catalyst installed you can use these Archwing Guns in any mission. Sort of. There’s a long, tedious animation you have to sit through first. While some enemies will drop items that will reset the 5 minute cooldown between deployments and refill your limited Arch-gun, you… [Continue Reading]

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