DeMarco – The Lost Son of the so-called Pirate Lord

I don’t normally dig too deep into  Sea of Thieves lore. The reason I’m even on the Sea of Thieves is because of treasure and guilt-free murder. But there is some background lore going on, and as we rush into season 8, things are really heating up. So, in order to keep up, I’ve been kinda looking at the lore and, well, it’s kinda sad. The basic premise of the Sea of Thieves is that a guy called Ramsey called himself the Pirate Lord, and he uses some artifacts to keep the Sea of Thieves separate from both the rest… [Continue Reading]

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It Should Have Been Ramsey

So a while back, we went into Ramsey’s office, only to see the word GUILTY scribbled across the walls. The Pirate Lord seemed completely unaware of this, and was just chilling out there. The signs all pointed towards a murder mystery, the case of the death of DeMarco, Ramsey’s son. From this picture, it seemed as if Ramsey had definitely done something wrong and was somehow connected to the death of his son, perhaps killing his son himself. This was all part of a murder mystery event, somewhat spurred on via Twitter. And, after a few weeks, we uncovered the… [Continue Reading]

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Eternalism is a bit of a cop-out

Eternalism is the idea that every choice we make creates new realities, one where you make one choice and one where you make another choice. Both choices now exist in two different realities and carry on as new, separate timelines. For example, during the New War, we are showed a cut scene of our space kid in a classroom, trying to keep everyone calm until we meet the Man in the Wall. This entity makes you an offer: take the Man in the Wall’s power and save yourselves; or remain where you are, refusing the demon’s assistance. In this moment,… [Continue Reading]

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Meet the Medic is still the best Meet the Team short

I actually was planning to write a different article today. I’ve got about 40 different articles that I have started. And by ‘started’ I mean I wrote a couple of sentences and then not done anything else. It happens a lot, the brain writes what the brain wants. Today’s article now is something completely different. How I got from complaining to Destiny 2’s jump mechanics to watching Meet the Medic for the umpteenth time, I have no idea. But here I am, writing about Meet the Medic anyway. Mostly because I’ve re-watched it like 6-7 times now, always spotting little… [Continue Reading]

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A Lackluster Introduction for the Zariman

The Zariman 10-0 has been a massive part of Warframe’s lore, literally being the place where it all began. A ship full of families disappeared, sucked into the void and changing everyone within. This is where the Tenno came from, kids trapped within, forced to save themselves from the monsters that were formerly their parents. For such a prestigious place, a location full of mystery, chaos and death, you’d think that a proper visit to the Zariman 10-0 would be a rather impressive story piece, right? Well, no, not exactly. The first time we actually go to the Zariman is… [Continue Reading]

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Where the Fuck did the Narmer go?

Narmer, Narmer, Narmer. Throughout the New War, everyone was shouting about Narmer. A massive religious culty thing appeared, apparently enslaving everyone and giving them all mental blowjobs. Or something like that. Really, it was just putting masks on that made everyone feel like they got what they wanted. Magic masks so powerful that they could take anyone down. And at the centre of it all? Ballas, the Orokin executioner, controlling pretty much everything, and all that worshiped him became Narmer. Either way, there were a lot of them, but after the New War’s conclusion, the Narmer seem to simply disappear.… [Continue Reading]

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Mara Sov Fucks Up Again

I normally don’t write much about Destiny 2’s lore. There is so much of it that I find it hard to follow. While there are some great youtube channels that explain the lore, it is all still very messy. However, there is one bit of lore that I do kinda try to follow, especially as Witch Queen comes out. Today though, there is one particular character I want to discuss. Mara Sov, the current queen of the Awoken, always seems to piss me off. And now she’s done something incredibly dumb. Again. While I can understand occasionally fucking up, pretty… [Continue Reading]

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Little World-Building Tidbits I’d Like to See in Warframe

Warframe has a lot going for it. We recently had a war go in and have just started making things go back to normal. In particular, the New War did somewhat show how normal people lived, most notably for the Tenno. However, I feel like a lot of world-building lore is pretty well hidden, restricted to quests or events of the past. Here are a few ideas I’ve had, to add just a pinch of nice lore into the daily grind. Exploring other colonies a bit more “What other colonies?” you may ask. Well, there’s been a few mentioned. In… [Continue Reading]

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What was Ballas’s Plan Anyway?

I know I’ve rambled a lot about the New War lately. Little things about it just randomly crop up and I feel I have to write them down. However, I have stumbled across something that leaves me completely clueless. All these crazy things happened, we had a massive war that lasted a hot minute and it all ended up leaving Ballas at the top. But even with Ballas and the Narmer, that didn’t seem like the end of Ballas’s plan. None of it makes sense. So what WAS Ballas’s final plan? Spoilers ahead, just letting you know At first, I… [Continue Reading]

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