Enjoying building in the Nether Update

The Nether is now much better with the latest update. Before, the Nether is just a dreary burning hellscape. Now, with all the new Nether biomes and mobs, it’s actually fun to explore and roam around. Out of all the new biomes, my favourite is the basalt delta. I’m not sure why, but I really like the atmosphere there. The biggest part for me, however, are the new blocks available for building. New wood, new stones, and even new lights! I enjoy building a lot, so I’ll be talking about those now. Shroomlights are the newest light blocks to be… [Continue Reading]

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No Man’s Sky – The Biggest Random Number Generator Of Them All

I’ve been playing a bit of No Man’s Sky now, and I’ve kinda started to notice something. Aside from the fact that I managed to play 13 hours of No Man’s Sky in 3 days. Simply put, there’s a lot of randomness in No Man’s Sky. It’s literally a game of random number generators. I don’t mean that in a bad way. I genuinely don’t. No Man’s Sky is, at its core, a huge amount of randomness. I mean, do you really think someone would sit there and make billions of planets? Of course not! But almost everything in No… [Continue Reading]

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Is Pixelmon the Most Complete Pokemon Game?

Pixelmon is an unofficial Pokemon mod made for Minecraft. It’s actually a mod I’ve discussed here before, and one of our most popular articles goes into depth about how depressing it is to play in single player. But for all the negatives that I throw at Pixelmon, it has an insane amount of features. And it also contains nearly every single Pokemon in the entire Pokemon series. And the most recent update started introducing Gen 8 Pokemon! Yep, we’re starting to get Generation 8 Pokemon. Not all of them, just some of them. The Galarian variants of other Pokemon aren’t… [Continue Reading]

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On the Hunger Meter in Minecraft and Why I Hate it

For modern players, the Hunger Meter is a staple of Minecraft. You need to keep yourself full of food, and you regenerate health when your hunger meter is full. To accommodate for this, there are tons of food items to farm or craft. From pork chops and chicken to berries, bread and honey, all the way to cake and pumpkin stew, there’s food for everyone. But for a long time, there was no hunger meter in Minecraft. It wasn’t always there. Funnily enough, Hunger only became a thing when Minecraft was just about to come out of beta. In Minecraft… [Continue Reading]

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Things I want in Minecraft: Food edition

I spent quite a lot of time playing Don’t Starve and Don’t Starve Together. Although I don’t like them as much as Minecraft, one thing that I really enjoy about the game is the Crock Pot. The Crock Pot allows you to cook new and better foods from basic ingredients. We don’t really need something like that in Minecraft, but I do want more food-related things in Minecraft. Here are some of the things I want. Desserts and sweets On top of being a glutton, I also have a massive sweet tooth. As of now, we have sugar, which is… [Continue Reading]

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I love bees

When I first talked about bees in Minecraft, I try to look at it from a purely practical point of view. Beekeeping is a decently useful thing to do. However, it is not extremely vital, and there is a lot of setup to be done before you can start. Not to mention the fact that finding bees in the first place is a massive pain. However, all that won’t change the fact that I love them. If I am staying at my base, I play extremely passively. I don’t even kill and breed animals. All I do is to just… [Continue Reading]

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Thank you, wheat and seeds.

Every time I enter a new world, I’ll do two things. I’ll punch trees for wood, and I’ll punch grass for seeds. In most cases, I will try to gather at least 30 seeds by the first night. After a few days, these will produce enough wheat to keep a couple of bellies full with consistent harvesting and replanting. In my latest Realm world, my friends and I spawned in the middle of a tundra. Considering the frozen wasteland around us, we just couldn’t be bothered with wheat farming. I ran off to the nearby taiga and found a bunch… [Continue Reading]

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Amplified Minecraft, Session 1

I have always wanted to do an Amplified Minecraft run. However, my laptop has never been powerful enough to support it. That changed when I found out about Optifine. Optifine managed to allow me to play in Amplified with somewhat bearable graphics, as opposed to before where I can’t play Amplified even with bare minimum graphics. So today, I started my first proper Amped Minecraft run. I spawned in a taiga, chopped down a few spruce trees and gathered as much sweet berries as I can find. I then wandered off to look for a good place to set up… [Continue Reading]

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Single Player Pixelmon is Bad

Whenever I play Pixelmon, a Minecraft mod that basically recreates Pokemon in Minecraft, I almost always do it in a multiplayer server. Pixelmon multiplayer servers can have their problems, but at least you can do things like trade between players and fight each other. Many servers also have options to give new players items like Pokeballs and easy access to Healers and PCs. There’s also always people around ready to help. Single player Pixelmon has none of that. It is by far the most awkward thing to play, by a long shot. At least in terms of Pokemon games. This… [Continue Reading]

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Beekeeping in Minecraft

I’ve been really looking forward to having bees when I first heard of them. In the Realms my friends and I are playing in, I spent the second day exploring around the map alone. I decided against setting up the main base, since we haven’t decided where to put it yet. My friends were away handling some IRL stuff. I stumbled into a flower forest and found bees! I set up my compact base there and got to work. By the end of the day, I have three beehives and quite a few bees. We ended up setting our main… [Continue Reading]

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