What’s New in Planetside 2

Every couple years or so I feel the need to boot Planetside 2 back up, just to see what’s changed in Steam’s pre-eminent Spandex in Space Simulator. Last time they added orbital air strikes and the whole construction minigame. This time around, nothing that drastic seems to have newly entered the fray. But there is one very-obvious addition you’ll see the first time you spawn into the map. New Neutral Spaceship! There’s now an orbiting spaceship called Sanctuary. It serves as a hub for all four factions to commingle peacefully before queueing into the active continent to murder each other.… [Continue Reading]

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On Finishing Nightwave Season 2

After a bunch of strangely easy tasks for week 6 of Nightwave, I have reached level 30 and obtained all the cool shit, which I immediately started using. Honestly though, this all went by so quickly. It doesn’t feel like week 6 of Nightwave and it doesn’t feel like Season 2 has been around that long! But yep, it’s been six weeks of genuinely quite simple tasks. Nightwave has been really good though. Most of the tasks have been pretty easy and definitely doable. Even the tougher tasks aren’t too bad. A 30 minute survival seems long but is easily… [Continue Reading]

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