Grinding For Mediocrity

A new campaign for CS:GO was released the other day, and poor aabicus was suckered into it. After having to turn all his settings down to low or off in order to even play the damn game (a recurring bug that popped by Team Fortress 2 in the last Invasion update, remedied in the same way), aabicus spent a brief amount of time getting some fire damage and some pistol kills, he got rewarded with an old, crappy case and weapon that sold for 45 cents on the Steam Market. The day before that, my sister had a Dead Ringer… [Continue Reading]

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A late look at pass_pinewood

I have had a hell of a time finding a decent game of PASS Time recently. There’s currently a bug that allows a single player to crash a Pass Time server, and Valve’s tardiness at fixing this bug is causing the playerbase for this game mode to wither and die. The few times I’ve succeeded, the map either changed immediately to pass_warehouse or somehow was already on pass_warehouse despite what the server browser would have you believe. It is genuinely possible that people just can’t wrap their head around pinewood, because it’s a more advanced map for sure. It takes… [Continue Reading]

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Oh hey, Invasion is here.

Oh hey, Invasion is here. And it’s pretty much replaced the Halloween event, running until November 5th with the Invasion Pass. Basically this update is a gigantic community Gun Mettle Update, with the contributors doing all of the work and Valve still getting a good bit of the rewards. Same as before, do challenges in-game on official servers and get weapons, or get special rare crates that need keys to open. Of course this is all locked to people who buy the pass, which is $2-ish, depending on where you’re from. So no stuff for people who don’t want to… [Continue Reading]

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Early Impressions and Strategies for the Beta PASS Game Mode

Let me start by saying that PASS is a hell of a lot of fun. It’s one of the first beta modes that feels like it should be in beta; it’s bizarre and completely different from anything TF2 has tried before, but it’s addicting and condones itself to all sorts of strategies and playstyles that really makes it stand out as a game mode. I genuinely hope this develops its own tournaments and things because it’s just as much fun to watch as it is to play. Everybody is still learning the ropes of this new game mode and there… [Continue Reading]

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