Writers’ Block Strikes Again

It’s late in the evening, and here I am, sitting at my laptop, trying to think of something to write about. Something that can at least get me to 500 words so I can meet my daily quota. After all, I have to write 500 words a day as part of my new year’s resolution. But today, while staring at my laptop, nothing really springs to mind. Normally, when I write, I generally have a title in mind, as well as a few headers. A vague skeleton of text that I can then work around and fill in the details.… [Continue Reading]

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We’re Probably Not Alone

Youtube’s recommendations to me lately have been pretty scientific. I’ve been watching a lot about stars, planets and black holes on one end of the scale, and videos about quantum mechanics and subatomic particles on the other. Scattered in my recommendations though are the odd video about life outside our solar system. You know, aliens and stuff. Things that are mostly just speculation. Really, when you think about it, there are a lot of stars with a lot of planets orbiting them. Scientists have been finding a lot of Earth-like planets, although many have been a lot bigger than Earth.… [Continue Reading]

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Other People’s Cats

Other people’s cats are great. There’s really not much else to say, other than the fact that you don’t have to deal with them. They come in, act cute and get cuddles, or bugger off and hide, then go back to doing their own things. Mind you, not all pets act the same. Some cats will zoom to whoever likes cats the least, while the more social cats will lounge around, waiting for snacks and scritches. But at the end of the day, you can give a cat back to its owner and don’t have to deal with it any… [Continue Reading]

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Lorem Ipsum

You’ve probably seen Lorem Ipsum text before. It looks like a vast amount of random Latin, but when translated into English, it’s mostly just gobbledygook. It’s still technically Latin, since some parts of it can be translated, it’s not all fake. But Lorem Ipsum’s use has been floating around for centuries pretty much. What do you use it for? Lroem Ipsum is not really real text, but it’s most common use is to be used as placeholder text. Whether it’s for an art project or a website, the Lorem Ipsum text can be used to test out how something looks,… [Continue Reading]

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Small, Amusing, Pointless things I want in Pokemon GO

I love Pokemon GO. It’s one of the few games I can lazily play, no matter where I am and where my phone is. All I have to do is go for a walk and catch a few Pokemon as I do so. However, there are a few little tiny things I want to see in Pokemon GO. Some serious, some… not so serious. Watch out, this is a long list… Iron Head users should bounce balls back more frequently. This idea is the idea that pushed me into making this article. Basically, if you have a buddy that knows… [Continue Reading]

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A Nice Day of Cooking

Sometimes, it’s nice to have a day away from my laptop. Of course, I’m not away from my laptop because I’m typing this article, but the rest of today has been really nice and relaxed. And what did I do with my time away from my desk? I spent it in the kitchen, making and baking things. Something calm and easy, simple for the soul. This carrot cake was the first thing I made. It doesn’t look like a carrot cake from above, because it has a smooth, chocolate-y glaze covering the top. Inside however is very carrot-y but also… [Continue Reading]

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One of my favourite videos to make me happy

Sometimes, when I feel really sad, I go to Youtube and look for comforting and funny videos. Most of the time, I end up watching a UK panel show, with comedians I like. But sometimes, when I want pure, brainless humour, I head to A Jolly Wangcore’s channel and find the above video. In my opinion, it is one of the funniest gaming videos on Youtube. I’ve actually been watching Jolly for a long time. I started watching back when he was called A Jolly Wanker, back when he used to narrate things with text rather than his voice. Those… [Continue Reading]

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Cats and Health

Cats are strange creatures. We treasure them as pets, but, unlike dogs, cats are very aloof and mostly do as they please. It’s easy to annoy a cat and make it attack you, and cats often scratch and bite when they are angry. People have to be careful of cats, especially wild ones, as they may carry diseases. However, despite all of this, cats can actually be good for your health. It turns out that a cat can be a great companion for someone who is feeling down or lonely. While a cat can’t make you feel positive thoughts, it… [Continue Reading]

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A Small, Blocky Stegosaurus

Earlier, for reasons unknown, a small plastic bag appeared on my desk. I have no idea where it came from or when we bought it, and it was certainly not anything I’d ordinarily buy. The package contained tiny weeny building blocks and some instructions on how to build a stegosaurus. So I opened the package up and decided to have some fun. I think fun is not the best word to describe what happened next. It wasn’t fun. I normally love putting Lego things together. There are three massive boxes in my room all filled with the stuff. But this… [Continue Reading]

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Cool Sciency Stuff That I Don’t Get

Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of stuff on Youtube. While my desire to play games is dulled, I need to do something with my free time. Something that isn’t writing. So yeah, Youtube time it is. But I’ve not been sitting here, watching any old bollocks. I’ve been watching sciency things. And I’d be lying if I said I understood it all. So what sciency things have I been watching? Mostly quantum stuff. You know, the building blocks of the universe. But damn is this stuff confusing. I mean, it’s what the universe is made of, of course it’s… [Continue Reading]

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