The College of Winterhold

While fighters and knight-like characters have the Companions, rogues have the Thieves Guild and assassins have the Dark Brotherhood, mages have the College of Winterhold as their place to practice magic and other silly things. It’s a great place to do potentially really, really dangerous things. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly… impressive. Quick warning, spoilers ahead, but you knew that. The College of Winterhold is located in Winterhold, obviously. Really, it’s the only thing IN Winterhold, apart from a couple of houses. Considering that it’s the only thing that’s intact in the small, formerly busy town, there’s a lot of suspicion… [Continue Reading]

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The Thieves Guild of Skyrim

The Thieves Guild of Skyrim mostly consists of douchebags.  There, I said it. I know it’s a weird way to start an article, with the conclusion at the start, but it makes oh so much sense. Okay, let’s backtrack. Let’s look at why they’re all douchebags. The first time you meet the Thieves Guild, it’s most likely via Brynjolf. He’s a shady but attractive looking guy claiming to sell miracle cures that people are dumb enough to buy, in the market square of Riften. He’ll always spot you and gesture about how much gold you have, before asking if you… [Continue Reading]

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The Dark Brotherhood of Skyrim

I’ve written about two of the major parts of Skyrim, the Companions and the Civil War, and I thought I might as well continue that trend and write about some of the other major factions of Skyrim. As to what group to start with, that was a tricky decision, and I ultimately decided to go with the Dark Brotherhood, a small family of assassins. Because we all need a little bit of edginess in our lives. Of course, there are spoilers ahead, so read on with caution if you haven’t played much Skyrim yet. Seriously. Spoilers. They start here. The… [Continue Reading]

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The Civil War of Skyrim

The Civil War in Skyrim, between the Empire and the Stormcloaks, is one of those rather split stories. Players tend to go one way or the other and stick to their beliefs. It’s really not a clear cut thing like killing or sparing Paarthurnax. Really, the Civil War is a hugely complex issue and one single article can’t really do it justice, but I’ll try. First off, some specifics. Whatever side you pick in the Civil War, nothing really changes apart from the guards and the Jarls, and a handful of more extreme supporters on either side. Whiterun never gets… [Continue Reading]

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The Troubles In Making A Dragon Follower Mod

Let’s face it, I’m not very good at making mods. They’re hard. Even though Skyrim has tools to make mods, it’s still hard. Most of the mods I’ve made haven’t worked that well. Electric Breath has a weird bug that makes Fire Breath silent which I never worked out how to fix. The houses I’ve made, one of them doesn’t have proper LODs and another has a weird hole in a mountain but it’s small and fixable. A third, more temple-like structure remains unfinished. My dragon summoning mods all work but the AI packages bug out occasionally. Most of this… [Continue Reading]

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The Companions – the faction, not your friends…

There’s no Fighters Guild in Skyrim. There should have been, but there isn’t. Instead, we get the Companions. These guys claim to carry on the traditions of the 500 companions of Ysgramor, the elf-killing badass, but really, they are a bunch of smelly idiots. I mean it. They’re douchebags. Well, Aela the Huntress is, but she’s the character you spend most of the Companions quest line with. The first time you meet the Companions, you see them taking out a giant on a farm. If you don’t manage to get a hit in, even if you tried, you’ll be scolded… [Continue Reading]

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5 More of My Favorite Nude Mods on Steam

(Heads up! These images are pixel-censored, but this is still definitely a Not-Safe-For-Work article. Please also assume that all links will be to NSFW sites) My previous article on nude mods is one of our most popular despite a complete absence of advertising on our part. In the seven months since being published, it has consistently charted in our Top Ten Most Viewed every single day and I’d be silly to not do a follow-up. But actually, I’d have trouble writing a sequel because I don’t want to endorse any mods I haven’t personally used, and I stuck most of my favorites… [Continue Reading]

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Skyrim Special Edition – First Looks

Well, I’ve just spent ninety one minutes playing TESV Skyrim Special Edition. And now I’m going to tell you what it’s like. In that hour and a half, I did the whole cart ride, created my first new character, gone through the whole Helgen sequence and made my way to Whiterun. I stopped playing just inside Whiterun’s gates, having forgotten that I don’t have Open Cities installed. Currently, this is all unmodded. The first thing I notice is the new startup menu. There’s a distinct lack of addons on this menu. Otherwise it’s mostly the same. There’s several changes on… [Continue Reading]

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Playthroughs of the Past

I still have my very first save in Skyrim. Made back in 2014, it’s just named 001 Prisoner. It’s the first save the game automatically creates, just before you actually go and create your character. After the long, pretty boring cart ride. Rather than sit through said cart ride, I always use this save when I start a new Skyrim playthrough. Of course, like any character customization, I always spend a while on it. Then I end up fucking up my character and starting again. After that, I give up and tweak a default character and go with that instead.… [Continue Reading]

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Mod it until it dies

“Mod it until it dies” has always been one of the unofficial taglines for the Elder Scrolls series, particularly Skyrim. Bethesda games in general have a lot of freedom not in the actual games themselves, but with what you can do with the games. From the look of your character, to badass armors to menus to entire gameplay overhauls, the Bethesda game modding community almost has a mod for everything. So when Valve and Bethesda tried to make money off community modders, under the pretense that modders could also make money, we kicked up a huge fuss. Bethesda games aren’t… [Continue Reading]

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