The upcoming Warframe update, Angels of the Zariman, will bring a lot of new stuff to customize. We’ll get another home to decorate, and, after years of asking, we’ll be able to put different textures on parts of our Warframes. The ability to apply textures as well as colours has been simmering in the background for years. And soon, with a bit of grinding, we’ll finally have it… Only for special skins though, as it would take forever to update all other skins. However, Warframe isn’t quite at peak customization yet. There are still plenty of things that need to… [Continue Reading]

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Ephemera Troubles

I love Ephemera. They’re basically unusual effects but for Warframes. And ever since the first few Ephemera effects have come out, they’ve turned out to be insanely popular. After all, these effects can give so much life to a Warframe and their fashion. However, as time passes on, these Ephemera are getting bigger and brighter. We’ve gone from little bits of melting snow to full on massive wings. How much is too much? There’s a lot of variety when it comes to Ephemera. On the one hand, you can have little leaves appear by your feet as you walk. On… [Continue Reading]

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Are Zaws and Kitguns TOO Strong?

Zaws and Kitguns, added alongside the Plains of Eidolon and Fortuna, are basically DIY weaponry. You buy the blueprints for the sort of gun you want, you craft from the blueprints and then you give the parts to a vendor to build it for you. Generally, the blueprints for the components contain various open world resources, but once you have reached level 5 with Fortuna or Cetus, you’ll probably have enough resources to build anything. And you’ll want to reach rank 5 before you start on DIY weapons. Doing so gives you access to not just the best components, but… [Continue Reading]

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We need more dual primary weapons.

Do you know what the best primary weapon in Warframe is? Well, unlike Warframes, there’s no definitive answer, because everyone likes different things. One of my favourite weapons is the Grakata, a crusty, pointy rifle used by the Grineer on occasion. I could also call the Kuva Bramma as one of my favourites. Or perhaps the Supra Vandal, especially when you give it fire rate and not much else. Other people may answer all sorts of stuff, like the Soma Prime or the Opticor. With so many weapons to choose from, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. However, there is always… [Continue Reading]

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Warframe Weapons that I Completely Forgot About but Used to Use all the Time

The other day, I was looking back through some old Warframe screenshots when I made a sudden realization. My weapons these days are all powerful ones, like the Kuva Bramma or the Arca Plasmor. But I wasn’t always kitted up. There was a lot of time spent leveling up weapons then moving onto the next one. However, even with my many years of grinding the newest shiny, there were weapons that I loved which, unfortunately, ended up getting forgotten about. Here’s to a trip down memory lane for some of my old favourites. Rakta Cernos I’ve always liked bows, they’re… [Continue Reading]

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On Making The Worst Warframe Specter Ever

A while back, I looked at Warframe Specters. These DIY clones can offer fantastic support, and are cheap to make and use. Well, the basic ones are cheap to use, but cosmic specters are a bit too pricey. That being said, at higher levels, there’s not much difference between the different specter types anyway. Either way, there are some great specters to choose from, like Wisp and Nidus. However, a thought occurred to me lately. What if I tried to make the WORST specter possible? How bad could it be? Limbo It’s no competition here. The Limbo Specter does basically… [Continue Reading]

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6 Small Bits of Affinity and Experience that You Probably Missed in Warframe

I’ve always seen Warframe as a bit of a collect-a-thon. There are so many different things to farm and level up. But while there is vast amounts of obvious affinity to be earned, some things just aren’t as visible or as easy to access than others. However, if you wish to squeeze out every last drop of experience, then there’s a few places you can check on. This article is about those easily missed affinity gains, ones you might not realize. Vandal/Wraith weapons The Grineer, Corpus and Infested all have their own weapons, but a few of them are locked… [Continue Reading]

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Damn Axi Relics

Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of relics in Warframe. After all, I have like 4000 hours in this game, and a lot of it was spent opening relics. However, looking at my slowly shrinking relic collection, there’s an obvious theme going on. I have way, way too many Lith relics, a lot of Meso and Neo relics and… very few Axi relics. Limited farming spots Weirdly, Axi relics are actually kinda hard to farm. The best place to get Axi relics is via Disruption missions, particularly on Lua. Aside from that though, options are limited. Bounties for… [Continue Reading]

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Warframe Cosmetics that don’t require Platinum

Looking cool can be quite costly in Warframe. The majority of cosmetics tend to require Platinum to purchase. And some cosmetics, namely Tennogen and Prime stuff, can only be bought with real money. However, just because you are onĀ  budget, doesn’t mean you can’t look handsome too. Here are some options for the frugal Tenno. Baro Ki’Teer’s shop Baro comes every two weeks with new gear from the void, most of which is cosmetic. However, the quality of his gear is all over the place. Sometimes he’ll bring back a cosmetic from the past (like the Harkonar Wraith armour) but… [Continue Reading]

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On Bosses and Invulnerability Phases in Warframe

Boss battles are interesting. Just like everything else in gaming, a boss battle is supposed to be impactful, but bosses ramp it up to 11. Of course they do. You’ve been running around killing mooks and now suddenly here’s a challenge, demanding that you kill the big bad. However, it’s rarely as simple as “shoot them until they die”, there is always some sort of puzzle required, or a chance for you to not deal damage at all. Bosses go invulnerable and you either force them to come back or wait for them to stop. In Warframe in particular, most… [Continue Reading]

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