World of Peacecraft: The Neutral Pandaren Lifestyle

In both of my previous WoW articles, I claimed to have played only two characters for my entire on-and-off history with the game. This is essentially true, since the druid is Alliance and the warlock is Horde and that means I can interact with every part of the world between the pair. I’ve never really felt any urge to make more characters since leveling is my least-favorite part of the game. The only thing that ever tempted me to make a third character was learning about a specific quirk through which a player could theoretically reach max level without ever… [Continue Reading]

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How to Find the Age of Your World of Warcraft Character

During a content lull in Final Fantasy XIV, I temporarily reactivated my WoW subscription to try the new War Within expansion. I’ve had a long on-and-off relationship with this game, having first installed it sometime in undergrad after they added the free trial and taking multiple years-long breaks in between sessions. Nonetheless my two toons, a zombie pirate warlock and a werewolf druid, have pretty storied careers since they’re the only ones I ever play, and like most players I’ve developed something of an affinity for my little guys. So it’s always bothered me that I can’t see their age… [Continue Reading]

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Welcome Party Is The WORST Special Research

Today, I completed step 4/4 of Welcome Party, a Special Research. The research was introduced in October 2023. I finished it at 6:25pm on the 26th of February 2025. And all I got for it was, literally, a t-shirt. Welcome Party was special research which was supposed to introduce us to the Party Play mechanic. And it kinda does do that. Kinda. Actually, no, it doesn’t. Welcome Party just makes you do a billion Party Challenges. And these have to be done with another player our three. It’s literally 1 step of “catch 10 normal types and do 10 party… [Continue Reading]

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Mega Gallade Raid Day

“Oh hey! Mega Gallade! Mega Gardevoir’s counterpart is finally here! I could maybe use Mega Gardevoir against… Oh… Never mind… Mega Rayquaza is here…” Honestly, this is probably the first raid day where I didn’t care about the shiny at all, I just wanted that juicy, juicy mega energy. A new Mega Pokemon has just come out, Mega Gallade, meaning the pool of remaining unreleased Megas has shrunk to just… 5, I think. Mega Mewtwo X and Y, Sharpedo, Camerupt and Metagross. And since this was a raid day (really, raid three hours), everyone got a bunch of free raid… [Continue Reading]

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IT’S A SMISSMAS MIRACLE! We’ve been waiting for issue 7 of the TF2 comic for 7 damn years. But it’s finally here and you should all go and read it right now. Yeah, seriously, stop reading this article and go and read the comic right now. It’s quite long. Then come back here when you’re done. If you want. No rush. We’ve waited 7 years already for this issue, make the most of it. I’ve already read it like 3 times now. You back? Have you read it? No? Go read it. In the mean time, I’m going to tell… [Continue Reading]

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Necrozma Raid Day

Oof my luck. I think Necrozma hates me. Okay, I do love me my raid days. And since this season’s bonuses includes 2 orange raid passes a day, you could squeeze out 8 free raids. Normally though, I get a shiny, and with raid days, the chances are apparently 1/10. So I made the mistake of buying raid passes. After 21 raids, the best I got was one 14/15/14 Necrozma, and a 2-star XXL Necrozma. No shinies, none with decent IVs. Also managed to get a 10/10/19 one. And it sucked knowing everyone else was getting shinies – I can… [Continue Reading]

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To Be Honest, This Go Wild Event Is Kinda Boring

I kinda understand why we have the Go Wild event. It feels like a stop-gap between the massive Go Fest event in the summer, and the regional tours in spring. But this Go Wild event kinda doesn’t really have much going for it, apart from Toxel and Toxtricity. And even then? It’s… it’s just eh. I suppose it’s better if you buy the ticket for the event. You get extra stuff. Some raid passes, some Max Particles. Things like that. Nothing mind-blowing though. You do get a Toxtricity and extra candy and half hatch distance, but Toxtricity is all over… [Continue Reading]

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Uve Uve Mara – The Lotus Eaters OST

A lot of stuff has happened in Warframe lately, and it’s all coming to a head in Warframe 1999, which comes in December. And no, I still haven’t worked out how to tastefully discuss what happened in Jade Shadows. But one thing has stuck out to me lately, and it’s the soundtrack from the Lotus Eaters update. While yes, the Lotus Eaters ‘quest’ was more akin to the three mini quests before the New War (and only takes like 2 minutes to complete, excluding loading times), there’s something about the login screen music that tells far, far more than the… [Continue Reading]

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The Impossible-to-Access Zanuka Mission

Zanuka sucks. It really does. “Skip into the night, where all the stars are bright… We’re back again to do this, and we’re gonna do it right…” “You know that’s a song sung by Infested, right?” Nidus pretended that he hadn’t jumped in surprise, but he’d clearly failed miserably, as Wisp giggled at him. However, Chroma crossed his arms and tutted, blatantly unamused by Nidus’s singing. “Damn, I thought I’d come here alone!” Nidus exclaimed. “Just wanted to do a quick exterminate to calm my nerves before I take on whichever Archon has cropped up again.” “That still doesn’t explain… [Continue Reading]

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An Awkward Hijack Mission with Jade

I honestly am still struggling with an article about Jade, so have some awkward fan fiction that somehow covers how I feel about her instead. “Ahem.” Volt blinked his neural sensors several times, realizing what he was doing. “Oh, sorry.” “You should be, you’re staring.” “Sorry. I… I… uh… um… I can’t help it…” A slap to the face rudely snapped Volt back to reality. But the slap didn’t come from the person Volt had been accidentally staring at. “How dare you!” Ember hissed. She was very dressed up today. Skin made of molten glass, wrapped up in fine fabric,… [Continue Reading]

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