In Memory of Itsurblog 2
Urblog thread 2: The Revenge was the next in a duology of wildly successful blog threads on SPUF, both started by Zekrom3112, who must have some sort of voodoo magic for getting away with it twice.
It once again has been locked, and unlike last time I’m not sure why. I was surprised when I went to the last page of itsurblog 2 and noticed that every post was TF2-related. The mods didn’t even put it out of its misery like the dongers/neontext/Lenny-faced ending of itsurblog 1. It was calm, rational, and conversational TF2 to the last post.

I really feel there is just one moderator who checks SPUF once a month, and they’re the one who has locked it twice now.
Because we did it last time, let’s get a breakdown of the honorable mentions for posters:
· It was started (again) by user zekrom3112.
· It’s most prolific poster was “Jay Dorris”, who beat A 1970 Corvette in a zigzag photo-finish race by a mere 11 posts.
· The top five posters were Jay Dorris (276), A 1970 Corvette (265), Trebel (213), The Medic (211), and StormHarbinger (148).
· Only 5 users have replies numbered in the single, double, triple, and quadruple-digits: zekrom3112, DrKnightKOT, A 1970 Corvette, Jay Dorris, and PredatoryAmoeba, who also got the last post.
· The users who landed the X,000th posts were aabicus (suspiciously congratulating someone else), LuckyLuca5 (2000), and LuckyLuca5 again (3000).
· Never once did a SPUF moderator or admin post in the thread.
If the stars align, Zekrom will return in maybe a month and start a third successful itsurblog thread. We can only hope.
RIP in peace.
I refuse to allow this happen.
Where is the Fallout?
(Not DrKnight, DrNight! Darnit >.>)