The Pointlessness of Peculiar Mods

The Beasts of the Sanctuary update brought with it a new type of mod, the Peculiar Mod. The idea was that Peculiar Mods were high cost mods that did literally nothing for your power but applied cosmetic effects. There is currently only two Peculiar Mods available, Peculiar Bloom, which spawns flowers on enemies when they are hit by critical hits, and the brand new Peculiar Growth which inflates limbs on hit, just like the already-existing secondary the Nukor. They are a rare reward in Rotation C of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, meaning you need to complete Zone 8. The premise was… [Continue Reading]

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A Walk Around Cetus

After a long night of trying to obtain the mod Augur Secrets, which gives +24% power strength and is worth about 100 platinum, I wandered around Cetus chatting with a nice Atlas who I’d gone doing bounties with. We chatted about all sorts of things, starting with our bad luck when it came to running bounties and getting rare items, going onto things like Zaws and weapons we like. We were mostly idling, him idling outside the massive Orokin gate to the Plains, me idling on top of one of the houses like one does. Then we met up and… [Continue Reading]

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It took me some time, but I finally decided to write it.   I can’t remember how I first came across Totalbiscuit’s video. Maybe it was just YouTube recommending me gaming-related videos and decided to show me some of his stuff, maybe it was a friend who recommended it to me. But that doesn’t matter. I remember being rather miffed at the Day One: Garry’s Incident debacle. It spoke volumes to me of the kind of character TB is. When the same thing happened again with FUNCreators and Guise of the Wolf, I simply smiled and waited for FUNCreators to… [Continue Reading]

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Lunchboxes and Sidearms

Heavy‘s secondary slot has always been dominated by his lunchbox items. His lunchbox items are incredibly useful. Not only can they be used for healing the Heavy or, in the case of the Buffalo Steak Sandvich, giving Heavy a speed boost, it can also be used to heal injured teammates, especially their Medic buddies. It is no small wonder that the shotguns aren’t favoured as much. The shotguns are just completely outclassed by the Miniguns when it comes to raw firepower, and any Heavy player worth his salt will know how to mitigate the spin-up time by jump revving, and checking… [Continue Reading]

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Critical Chance VS Status Chance

Enemies in Warframe scale to an incredibly high level, up to level 9999 (except for Eximus enemies), but weapons and Warframes are limited by the mods you shove in them. So this means you need to find more ways to do damage to enemies, as their health and more importantly their armour scale to insane numbers. So we have two options. Critical damage and Elemental or Status damage. Critical damage is simple. Every weapon has a critical chance and a critical damage multiplier, which defines how much damage you do when you get a random crit or when you score… [Continue Reading]

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Major League Magic May 25th Tournament Results!

Yesterday the second-ever Major League Magic tournament happened between 16 players, many of whom returned from our March 9th tournament. Everybody had a blast, and we actually made something of a splash on Twitch, with over 30 viewers at peak levels thanks to our fans spreading the word on Twitter! Everybody really seemed to love the terrain-manipulation elements, as the players’ spell selections crafted the arena into mountain-ridden hellscapes, empty desiccated plains, and everything in between. In the end, Jason won 1st place and became the first ever undefeated champion in a Major League Magic tournament (last tournament’s winner, Joey, reached the… [Continue Reading]

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On Buying Warframes with Platinum

The other day, I checked my Warframe profile and was amazed to see that Ivara has sneaked her way into being my third most played Warframe, after Volt and Volt Prime. Wasn’t really that much of a surprise because Ivara is insanely useful in Spy missions, but she also comes in very handy for a large number of smaller tasks, such as quick alert missions, looking for and scanning enemies with her larger Enemy Sense, completing Riven mods and general roaming the plains. In fact, after Volt, Ivara is a really good Warframe on the Plains of Eidolon, as she… [Continue Reading]

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The Sandvich and TF2

I’m not a big fan of the Sandvich, gameplay-wise. I mean, I know it’s good, but I have always been happier with the Dalokohs Bar or even the Family Business. But I’m not here to discuss that today. What I want to talk about today is how the Sandvich is epitome of TF2. I mean, despite Heavy being the face of the game, cosmetics being so integral to TF2 that the game is also known as Hat Fortress 2, and the fact that the Golden Frying Pan exists, the Sandvich to me is still the embodiment of what TF2 is all… [Continue Reading]

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Major League Magic Tournament!

Hi everybody! Hope you enjoyed the Forzebreak tournament from last week! I had a blast streaming and shoutcasting it, and if you missed it, Major League Magic is having a very similar tournament tomorrow! On Friday at 3:00 pm PST, We’ll be running a 16-seed 1v1 tournament to see if Joey, our previous winner, can retain his place at the top of the leaderboards. (If you need a brush-up on what Major League Magic is, here’s our official announcement article) We have a lot of awesome new terrain-altering mechanics to showcase in this upcoming tournament, and we’ve also been hard at… [Continue Reading]

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Why Volt is one of the Best Warframes…

… Well, in my opinion of course. It seems that a lot of people see Volt as a bad frame in desperate need of a rework. I don’t think that’s needed. Just because one frame doesn’t have its own niche or isn’t the best ever at a specific thing, doesn’t mean that they’re bad. Probably just in need of some tweaks, like reverting the halved duration on Discharge. He’s Versatile Sure, Volt’s not the strongest frame, but you can take him anywhere. He’s useful in Capture and Exterminate missions, giving the team a speed boost to get the mission done… [Continue Reading]

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