Why, Pokemon Spawn Locations? Why?

Spawn locations in Pokemon Go are weird. I understand that there’s a system in place that determines when Pokemon spawn (they spawn every hour but only appear for certain amounts of time) and there’s a whole biome system in place as well, but it’s really a bit of a mystery as to why places spawn Pokemon. There’s a few things that we do know. Firstly the map we see in Pokemon Go is based off Open Street Maps, an open source mapping system that works based on contributions by the Open Street Map community. Secondly, a large number of Pokestops… [Continue Reading]

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The Slakoth Community Day that Really Slacked Off

I’m not sure why Niantic decided to choose Slakoth for June’s Community Day. There’s not a lot of reasons I can think of why it was picked, but I can think of plenty of reasons why it wasn’t a good choice. I suppose it fits the criteria for a Community Day Pokemon. A three-stage Pokemon with a cute basic form and a monstrous final evolution and a second evolution that no one cares about, capable of having a somewhat signature move, having some sort of use somewhere and tends to only come from 10km eggs, while being insanely rare in… [Continue Reading]

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Writing About Random Themes and the Power of Random Topic Generators

I’ve run into a problem. I’ve not really been playing games lately. The only game I have been playing as of late has been Minecraft, on a Pixelmon server that recently had an update that gave cool rewards based on the amount of Pokemon you have caught or bred. But even that is a limited thing because I’ve somehow managed to catch 95% of all Pokemon (all 809 of them) and the only ones left are the Legendaries which are insanely hard to obtain. Even if I was playing regularly though, I still wouldn’t have a lot to talk about.… [Continue Reading]

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Five Cool Secondary Weapons You Should Try

Secondary weapons are a very mixed bag in Warframe. Some of them are incredibly mediocre, some of them are insanely powerful. There’s a lot of stuff jumbled in between as well, but there’s only so many dual pistol weapons we can talk about. Today, we’re going to look at five cool secondary weapons you should try. They might not all be ‘meta’ weapons but they all have their own little niches. The Hand Cannon: The Pandero The Pandero is both a semi-automatic revolver-like weapon and a shotgun. I mean, physically, it makes no sense what so ever, since the clip/magazine/whatever… [Continue Reading]

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Forgetting that Vauban Exists

Everyone complains that some Warframes are worse than others, but at least some Warframes have something that makes them at least usable. Wukong for example was at least unkillable while Nezha, before his rework, at least had a cheap Iron Skin so he didn’t instantly disintegrate. But Vauban? Vauban basically has nothing. He is completely forgotten about in almost every way. Vauban is just unforgettable. He doesn’t look appealing, he isn’t appealing to play and he is currently 100% unobtainable right now because his parts are locked away behind the Nightwave cred shop, which isn’t available. Vauban Prime is just… [Continue Reading]

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“What Makes You Happy?”

You’d think that the question “What makes you happy?” is a simple one. An easy question to answer with a multitude of answers, most of which can’t be judged as right or wrong. Most of the time, there’s an answer at the tip of your tongue. But it’s not easy. Not as easy as one would think. There are different levels of happiness. Lots of them. The question “what makes you happy?” could be applied at several different layers. What is making me happy right now? What made me happy yesterday or will make me happy in the future? What… [Continue Reading]

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Rest in Peace, Io

Io was one of my favourite maps in Warframe. It was the Defense tile on Jupiter, set in the Gas City. The same tile was also occasionally used for Interception, but Io in particular is only a defense mission. For a long time, it was one of my favourite maps, but now, it’s a completely different beast. The old Io was… not a big map. Well, it was big and not big at the same time. Like the Ceres Shipyard defense room, you need to take a massive elevator up to the map itself, but the old Io tileset was… [Continue Reading]

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A Thought About Mid-Star Chart Difficulty

It occurred to me the other day, while I was messing around trying to scan an Amalgram on a Gas City capture mission, that things are going to be a tad different for any newer players passing through Jupiter. When I say a ‘tad’ different, I mean completely different. Before the Jovian Concord*, Jupiter was never a hard planet but it was never easy either. Ceres and Jupiter are where the difficulty spikes for a new player. While the Grineer just seem to need more hits before dying and introduce Guardsmen who will try and block things, Jupiter’s Corpus just… [Continue Reading]

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Regarding the Loot Nerf

While most people have been happy with the Jovian Concord, Wisp and the Gas City rework, there was something deep within the patch notes that caused a small ruckus, one that hasn’t been discussed at all by the developers and discussed a lot by the community. Two lines in particular:   Fixed Chesa Retrieve double dipping with Nekros’ Desecrate. Fixed Chesa/Desecrate double dipping with Hydroid/Khora. To clarify what this means, it means that Nekros’s Desecrate and Chesa’s Retrieve no longer work alongside Hydroid and Khora’s Pilfering augments. All of these abilities have a chance to drop extra loot. Hydroid and… [Continue Reading]

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Equinox – Night and Day, But Mostly One or the Other

I always felt like Equinox was an early attempt to try something new. A Warframe that is two Warframes in one. A Warframe that can change from one form to another, complete with a new set of abilities. Does Equinox manage to pull this off? Yes. But Equinox is a very weird frame. Everything from start to finish is off about Equinox. The very first thing one might ask is “what is this?” swiftly followed by “is it a boy or a girl?” and finished with “OW WHAT THE FUCK WHY AM I BLEEDING TO DEATH?” The answer to the… [Continue Reading]

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