The Pixelmon Master

On September 25th, at about 10pm, I achieved something on the Pixelmon server that I play on. An achievement popped up, exclaiming that I had filled 100% of the Pokedex. For some reason, this had popped up at 807 owned Pokemon, because clearly Meltan and Melmetal aren’t really proper Pokemon with their own region yet. As far as the game was concerned though, I had managed to touch every single Pokemon and have every single Pokemon in my inventory or in my PC at least once. Somehow, despite having never touched a Yveltal or a Tornadus. On this particular Pixelmon… [Continue Reading]

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Emissary Derelict Assassinate – The New Zealot Boss Fight

Nightwave’s the Emissary has had its story come to an end, with Arlo basically being dead and a new infested cult joining the fray. Arlo was nothing more than a trick to get more people infected and infested and it worked brilliantly. Not only do we now have more Infested running around but now we have new bosses that we need to deal with, spreading their disease in Emissary Derelicts. Because we totally needed more mutagenic hive mind infestations running around. The conclusion to the Emissary was to be expected, but right now I’m pissed off with the new boss… [Continue Reading]

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Accursed Farms’ “Games as a Service is Fraud” Video and Dead Game News

Ross Scott, the creator of Accursed Farms, Freeman’s Mind and Ross’s Game Dungeon, spent ages making a video saying that Games as a Service is Fraud. The gist is that because a game can be completely shut off, remove servers, force online only and otherwise deny the consumer the right to use something they purchase. You may think that your game that you bought will last forever but your game can disappear and be taken away from you at the drop of a hat, with no way of your purchase being salvageable. So really, do you own a game at… [Continue Reading]

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A Stupid Idea for An Ember Rework

When I first started playing Warframe, I was always in awe at the pretty flaming Warframe with the fiery Mohawk and the cool flaming explosions that would kill most enemies on the map. As I continued playing Warframe, I realised that I was seeing less and less of Ember, and that map nukers often ended up being Mesas or Equinoxes or Saryns. These days, I don’t see Ember at all, and I’m the one nuking an entire map with my high range and duration Volt build. So what happened to Ember? Two things happened. Firstly Ember got hit with some… [Continue Reading]

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The Mod Drop Chance Booster Situation

Editor’s Note: Digital Extremes have clarified the situation with mod boosters AND have gone the extra step and made it so looting abilities stack again. That kinda makes this article pointless, but it still serves as an explanation as to why the community was annoyed in the first place. A while back, I may have mentioned that the ability to reroll loot using various Warframe abilities was nerfed, so that the abilities no longer stack with each other, meaning only one enemy can be ‘desecrated’ at a time by any one ability. This looting nerf has remained unchanged, and it… [Continue Reading]

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Borderlands 2 and the Benefits of Cooperative Mode

If there’s one main gameplay change I really, really like in Borderlands 3, it’s the option to change how looting works with other players in your team. In the previous games, everyone saw every weapon that dropped and everyone got pretty much the same gear. If you worked together to kill a boss and it dropped seven guns, then everyone saw the same seven guns and would have to work with each other to decide who got what. Or they could duel with each other and fight over who gets the one and only legendary that dropped from said boss.… [Continue Reading]

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Being Too Harsh On The Pokemon We Catch

I did a raid the other day and caught a Mewtwo. In any other Pokemon game, that would be an amazing achievement. Heck, if I had done that with a small group of players, it also would have been an achievement. Really, catching a Mewtwo in general in Pokemon Go is an achievement because that bastard will jump up and down and bitchslap your Pokeballs away like nobody’s business. Yet when I checked the stats of my freshly caught Mewtwo, I was disappointed. It was another Mewtwo with somewhat mediocre stats. Another mediocre Mewtwo to throw on the pile. I… [Continue Reading]

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Windows and Its Damned Forced Actions

Windows is an asshole. Windows 10 in particular is an asshole. To the point that I wish we could all just go back to Windows XP or whatever. But it’s not just any asshole. It’s an asshole that does things without asking you about it. While I am writing this article, I am supposed to be working. I have a bunch of stuff that needs doing, from website updates to artwork for labels and swing tickets. Right now, I can’t do any of that. Why? Because I had the audacity to leave a particular external hard drive plugged into my… [Continue Reading]

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Yet Another 5 Things I’d Like to See in Pokemon Go

There’s always lots of little things that could do with improvements in Pokemon Go and I’m always stumbling across more. So, keeping in the spirits of aabicus’s original article about items and my own desired quality of life features (some of which actually got added, like quicker appraisals, here are yet 5 more things I’d like to see in Pokemon Go. Keeping the Shorter Raid Egg Timers Because of current events involving tier 5 raids with multiple Legendary Pokemon, there has been a stark change in raid timers. Instead of waiting an hour to see what’s inside a raid, the… [Continue Reading]

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A Stupid Idea for A Vauban Rework

Vauban is a sad, sad Warframe. Over the years, Vauban has become weaker and weaker and weaker. Not because he has been nerfed repeatedly, but because so many other frames have come out over the years that provide better crowd control than Vauban does and almost all other frames have better ways of dealing damage to enemies. Not to mention the fact that the best crowd control tends to be death, which Vauban doesn’t really deal in. There’s a secondary issue too, that Vauban doesn’t really fit his theme. Vauban is named after Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban, a French… [Continue Reading]

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