Several Reasons Why You Should Have a Machamp or Two

Everyone should have a Machamp. It’s such a useful Pokemon. Why? Well Machamp is just so damn useful. It’s good to have a few of them, six at least. Even having one single, great Machamp does a lot for you. But how useful IS Machamp? There are plenty of reasons why. The best choice for defeating gyms What do you normally see in Gyms? Snorlax, Slaking and Blissey, of course! Big, bulky Pokemon. These Pokemon have high health, even as their motivation drops. These Pokemon are also Normal types. Which means they are weak to Fighting types. And Machamp has… [Continue Reading]

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A Brief Look At Gemini Home Entertainment

It’s rare for me to watch actual horror movies, especially on Youtube. My grip on reality isn’t the best and scary movies can and do haunt me for ages. However, lately, I’ve stumbled across “Analog horror”. It’s basically unsettling and traumatic stories being told via found footage or classic VHS cassettes. Older horror, before the time that we all had computers in our pockets. They are designed to look exactly like they came off from video tapes One particular analog horror though stands out to me: GEMINI HOME ENTERTAINMENT. And I want to talk a little about it. Before I… [Continue Reading]

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D&D 5e: 5 Good Feats For Monks

Monks have a problem when it comes to grabbing feats in that they are highly dependant on ability score improvements (ASIs) to function. They need good Dexterity, Wisdom, and Constitution to function, and if you don’t improve those numbers, you’ll quickly fall behind. That means the only time I can really recommend taking a feat on Monk is as a 1st level Variant Human/Custom Lineage. (Or if you have an odd-numbered Dex or Wis and take a feat that boosts either stat by +1). With that being said, there are several stellar feat options if you go ahead and do… [Continue Reading]

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Krakens Suck

I’ve been playing Sea of Thieves for a while now and I’ve been enjoying it a lot. However, not everything is perfect in this pirate game. Like most games, there’s always a flaw or two, some things that just aren’t likeable, and events that are seemingly random. As you sail, you can run into mermaid puzzle bubbles, find sunken ships or perhaps get attacked by a Megalodon. And then we have Krakens. Krakens suck. Krakens are like Megalodons except more annoying and ready to waste a lot more of your time. You don’t even get to see most of them.… [Continue Reading]

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More Candies for Better Throws Should be the Norm

During the Ultra Bug Out event, a new passive bonus was released, alongside a bunch of other event buffs. Simply put, you’d get more candy based on the quality of a throw. A Nice throw would earn you one extra candy, a Great throw two candy and an Excellent throw 3 candy. With a pinap berry, that’s up to 12 candy for an Excellent throw on a normal Pokemon. Pretty neat, right? Sadly, this extra candy for good throws is only for the Bug Out event, and once it’s gone, we might not ever see it again. However, the extra… [Continue Reading]

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Fishing in the Sea of Thieves

I’ve always enjoyed fishing in video games. While I’ve never properly gone fishing in real life, I’m quite happy to do so in the confines of a video game. Heck, I have spent multiple hours staying up and fishing, over a nice selection of games. Somehow, I’m just attracted to fishing mini games. My two favourite games to fish in are Warframe and Minecraft. In Warframe, I used my love of fishing to, well, fish my way up to the top rank of Cetus. Using Volt, I could catch fish with ease and without buying other fishing spears. In Minecraft,… [Continue Reading]

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Five Reasons Why You Should be doing Legends of the Veil

The Legend of the Veil is a voyage you can pick up from the Athena’s Fortune Hideout, for Pirate Legends only*. In it, you speak to the Pirate Lord and he bumbles on about how powerful this artifact is and that he’s gone and lost it. Your crew has to find three small, green Veil Stones in order to reactivate the Veil of the Ancients. Apparently, the Veil of the Ancients can open and close portals between the Sea of Thieves and the Sea of the Damned, as well as breaking the barriers between the two worlds. *Just the person… [Continue Reading]

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My Limited Thoughts on Captaincy in the Sea of Thieves

Captaincy is one of the bigger updates that Sea of Thieves has had in a while, while also being one of the oldest updates ever promised. The Captaincy update was supposed to be the first major update for Sea of Thieves, but for some reason never came out. Years later and here Captaincy is, with a bunch of pretty nice stuff. Your own actual ship The biggest part of the update is the ability to name your ship. It’s one of the first things you do when you become a captain. After all, this IS your own, personal ship. And… [Continue Reading]

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Reapers, Glitterbeards and Forts – More Adventures on the Stormcloud

It’s always fun being on a big ship with plenty of cannons. 4-player Galleons are big and tanky and somewhat threatening, especially to other ships. In this session though, the plan wasn’t to reap and tear. Instead, we were playing as emissaries for the Gold Hoarders, in order to help me reach level 50 and become a Pirate Legend. Luckily this wasn’t too hard to do. We ended up doing some vaults… well, the same vault 3 times, making lots of gold. As we sailed though, we did meet a very aggressive sloop. Luckily they were no threat to us.… [Continue Reading]

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On Becoming A Pirate Legend

Sea of Thieves doesn’t really have much of an obvious end goal. There is a LOT to unlock, but as a final goal, it’s mostly just getting huge amounts of money and infamy. That and hunting down emissaries to kill them. However, before we talk about end game stuff, there’s a specific rank that you need to acquire, before you do anything too interesting. I’m talking about being a Pirate Legend, and finding myself deeper inside SoT lore. When I first started playing Sea of Thieves, I thought it’d take a while to become a Pirate Legend. After all, with… [Continue Reading]

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