IT’S A SMISSMAS MIRACLE! We’ve been waiting for issue 7 of the TF2 comic for 7 damn years. But it’s finally here and you should all go and read it right now. Yeah, seriously, stop reading this article and go and read the comic right now. It’s quite long. Then come back here when you’re done. If you want. No rush. We’ve waited 7 years already for this issue, make the most of it. I’ve already read it like 3 times now. You back? Have you read it? No? Go read it. In the mean time, I’m going to tell… [Continue Reading]

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I’m Sorry

I’m sorry. After over 4100 daily articles, I can’t keep this website updated daily any more. I’ve tried, but enough is enough, I need to rest. Over the last few weeks, I’ve had basically no desire to write nonfiction articles that match the Daily SPUF’s tone. I’ve had a family member pass away and all the bullshit around that, I’ve had a period out of nowhere and over the last week or so, I’ve been absolutely floored by random pains across my body and a complete and utter lack of energy. I keep on getting anxiety attacks and the only… [Continue Reading]

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The 4000th Article

Well, here we are. The 4000th article. I suppose I should be pretty proud. After all, we’ve been keeping this blog daily for over 10 years, and have produced all sorts of interesting literature. We’ve covered a lot here at the Daily SPUF. Between a small handful of writers, we have torn games inside and out, written very long articles about very small things, gone out to local comic conventions, beaten things to death with a digital fish on drugs and spent way too much time with the colour yellow. I wouldn’t say our blog is the most varied blog… [Continue Reading]

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Happy 2024!

It’s a new year! That means lots of new things! We can forget about the mess that was 2023 and look forward to a fresh start. One that involves me doing a lot more writing. There’s a huge amount of work ahead of me, and a whole new year to hopefully not screw up. So what does 2024 have in store for us? Well, I’m not sure, I’m not from the future. But one thing I know for certain we will have is time travel. In Warframe. Because we’re getting Warframe 1999 this year. And, if what we saw in… [Continue Reading]

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A Christmas Article 2023

Today is Christmas Day, a day of celebration and gifts and stuff. It’s a hideously over-commercialized holiday and companies want you to spend tons of money so that their shareholders make even more millions. But at the same time, it’s also supposed to be a time to be with family. Hopefully, you don’t hate your family and spend it together, but the ‘tradition’ (more like a trope) is that Christmas is a massive mess and everyone hates each other and no one gets along, but somehow, at the end of the day, some people are happy. Personally, this Christmas for… [Continue Reading]

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Bring Back Fortuna 69, the Nicest Place in Warframe

It turns out, when you stop playing Warframe for a bit, you miss out on a few things. But for me, I missed out on something not so nice. It turns out, three months ago, the Fortuna 69 had disappeared! For those of you who don’t remember, Fortuna 69 is an instance that had been kept up and alive while all other Fortuna instances (aside from 1) faded away. Fortuna 69 was kept open by the community, with all sorts of people visiting and AFKing within the instance, stopping it from shutting down and closing. With a team of Tenno… [Continue Reading]

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A Christmas Article for 2021

Merry Smissmas! Hiya, everyone! Happy holidays from us at the Daily SPUF! It’s December 25th, 2021 and the plan is to enjoy ourselves. Time for a bit of fun, I’d say! There are gifts to be opened, rich food to be eaten and many a stomach pain from eating way, way too much. Or, at least, that’s how it is for me. Of course, everyone is different. While I’ll be busy cooking things, other people will be busy drinking or eating or opening gifts. There’s also people who simply don’t celebrate a holiday at this time of year, and I… [Continue Reading]

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My First Handheld Gaming Console

The other day, I actually did something rather out of character. People who know me well often describe me as frugal or cheap. I’ve always been unwilling to spend a lot of money on things I like, and always take the cheapest option. Even when I’m supposed to be treating myself to something nice, I still take the cheaper route. And if I can’t justify a purchase, I simply don’t get it. However, for once, I actually bought a proper treat for myself. I bought a Nintendo Switch Lite. For about €300, I bought myself a Nintendo Switch and Animal… [Continue Reading]

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On Writing Over 2000 Articles – Medic’s 2000th article

Writing articles is interesting. With a story, you can normally do what you like, and everything has a chronological order. Articles on the other hand aren’t always as chronological. Non-fiction stuff requires research and sources, and opinion pieces tend to need backing up in some way. Writing in general is somewhat like a magical path, with lots of potential ways to go. But writing is also pretty difficult. Taking the words in your head and putting them on paper can be a chore. And when it comes to writing consistently, it’s easy to get dissuaded and upset if you can’t… [Continue Reading]

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The 3000th Article

Wow. This is the 3000th article. That’s a pretty big number. Sure, in the grand scheme of things, 3000 isn’t that many. For a video game blog, written in our spare time? Yeah, that feels like a massive number. Congratulations to us, for reaching our 3000th article. Things have been tough though. 2020 alone was a massive shit show, and there were definitely a few times here and there where I didn’t think I’d get an article scheduled on time. We still managed it though. No matter what happened over all these years (and a lot of things have happened),… [Continue Reading]

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